So I don't really use C++ at all. Like, novice at best.
How hard would it be to make a Mod Interposer for Satisfactory, that sits between Satisfactory Mod Loader and a C# DLL, so you could write mods in C#?
Going live momentarily (only an hour and ten minutes late lol) streaming Satisfactory over on YouTube.
#Satisfactory #SatisfactoryGame #Streaming
I just accidentally played #satisfactory #satisfactorygame for an hour tweaking an assembly line.
Is #SatisfactoryGame more sandboxy than story?
Going live in about 20 minutes on YouTube playing Satisfactory. The normal link isnt working so here's my channel.
Is anyone interested in joining me for some Satisfactory in a few hours while I stream? I'd also be down for Factorio, though I've been avoiding that one due to the dev being a shitbag (a subject I am not willing to discuss, you can have your own opinion on it, but that is mine.)
In either case, I will be starting a new world and doing an hour or two of gameplay before I start streaming just to avoid the extremely tedious and boring opening bits of those games.
If you want to join, you would have to consent to appearing on my stream, and if you wanted to use voice communication, you would have to consent to me broadcasting your voice communication as I stream.
I'm #live now! Time to let the factory grow!!
It's time once again for some Satisfactory! I'll be continuing the save I started last week, working on our first manufacturing complexes! I'll be going live in just about an hour from now at 6:30PM PDT (UTC-7)! Hope to see you there!
Not sure what the intended way to get the achievement is, but "The floor is lava: Avoid touching the ground for 30 minutes" can be gotten by idling in water.
Also I found it's worth saving processing any slugs you don't need until you research a few Somersloops. Doubly so for alien dna capsules.
Looking to stream tomorrow at 6:30PM PDT (UTC-7) continuing the new save in #satisfactorygame
I also have a lil mini-surprise I'm excited to add to my streaming setup..
Follow me to get notified when I go live!
I finally set up factories for modular frames and rotors, doubled coal generators to 16, splintered off some stator and motor assemblers, and finally set up automating the tier 2 space elevator parts. I'll leave it running overnight and while I'm out tomorrow, and I should be ready for the next tiers when I get home.
The thing I'm most appreciating so far about 1.0 is that the bench and workshop are now in the Special section of the build menu, and I don't have to scroll down in the Production section to get to them.
"Unauthorized damage to FICSIT property" when you get hit implies that there is authorized damage to FICSIT property
My first stream as a Twitch Affiliate, and Satisfactory's 1.0 release!! It's a big day for lil ol me! I'm live now, I'd love to see you there
Ada is so much sassier. I like it.
I've got a basic starter base making rods, plates, wire, and concrete. Thanks to biomass burners having a conveyor input, I can let it run for a bit while I finally go to bed like I should've many hours ago.
Ugh the onboarding tutorial is so painful when my first instinct is to speedrun to reinforced iron plate factories.
But it's a whole new intro, with new dialog, and I don't want to miss it. Definitely only doing this once though.