Time for another reaction, this time it's "Written in the Starscouts", another Tell Your Tale episode that posed so many question which would ultimately go unanswered
Time for another reaction, this time it's "Written in the Starscouts", another Tell Your Tale episode that posed so many question which would ultimately go unanswered
Reacting to the TyT Special, "The Blockywockys"
And another reaction done, Tell Your Tale 2x10, "Buried in a Good Book"
Picking up the Tell Your Tale reactions again; it's been a while...
So, episode 2x09, "Cracked It" this time
And the final Helluva Boss reaction ("Sinsmas") is now live. Guess that means I'll have to finish TyT next...
And another new reaction, Helluva Boss S2 E11, "Mastermind"
And another reaction is done, season 2 episode 10 of Helluva Boss, "Ghostf**kers"
New reaction video, the Helluva Boss Shorts
Continuing catching up with the reactions, Helluva Boss 2x09, "Apology Tour"
After what might as well have been forever, I'm back at it with the reactions, starting with "The Full Moon", S2 E8 of Helluva Boss (yea, got some catching up to do...)
Insanely late #reaction to Tell Your Tale S2 E04, "Jazz s Rocky"
Ah yes, time for another #reactionvideo - Tell Your Tale ep 69 "Equestria's Got Talent"
Continuing with the Tell Your Tale reactions, episodes 67 and 68 (The Rise and Fall & Crystal Ball) this time.
Two more Tell Your Tale reactions done, "Nightmare Market" and "Very Bad Hair Day".
Two more reactions done, the Tell Your Tale episodes with the bnuy and the the one with the durgons.
"Attack of the Bunnisus" (ep 60) and "Lavarynth (ep 61)
so much for getting more videos done this weekend...
ah well, have my reaction to Tell your Tale episode 60 "Scents of Adventure"
Accidentally watching this now