Day 360/365, G5 styled Rarity
Day 360/365, G5 styled Rarity
So as of this afternoon I'll be running a donathon for the balance of the weekend, trying to raise funds for a trip to Missouri so I can attend @saphypone and @lunarguardian 's wedding!
As part of the effort, I'm offering these headshots with full shading for $50 buyout, or a raffle with any contribution below! I've got 5 slots left, so if you want your pony looking radiant, come by and help me get to the wedding!!
I'll be on all weekend, so I hope to see some of you amazing ponies there!
Morning ponies!
Yes, I am in fact alive, lol! Been dealing with some health problems, but I've got some art in the pipeline and more than a few pieces to share from the last few months!
I've been working on my anthro art recently, and I am really proud of the progress. Lots of work to be done admittedly, but I had no idea my observation skills had progressed as far as they have!
Here's my most recent adventure into that space. I expect to be doing some more studies into the subject, drawing humanoid bodies has proven to be a lot of fun!
I'll be posting more in the near future, for now, I hope you enjoy this one!
Warning: Lingerie, bare skin, cleavage.
The concept layed unfinished for a long-long while, so I decided to quickly redraw it from scratch. I think it have turned out well ^^
In some way, it exists in the same universe with several other works that I have drawn before, but only "At the End of Times" with the perplexed Trixie was posted on Mastodon:
A mare always comes prepared for all the situations that may occur
Especially if she wants to look extremely elegant
QFF - Ch9 F.r.i.e.nd.s - Page 196
2 page each week
#comic #fancomic #mlp #mylittlepony #QuestForFriendship #QFF
didn't get anything done today other then this random screenshot study. #sketch #study #mlp #mylittlepony #fluttershy #art #art_sfw
358/365, G5 styled Fluttershy
day 356/365, G5 styled Pinkie
See? Told you it wasn't about you Rarity
QFF - Ch9 F.r.i.e.nd.s - Page 195
2 page each week
#comic #fancomic #mlp #mylittlepony #QuestForFriendship #QFF
Time for another reaction, this time it's "Written in the Starscouts", another Tell Your Tale episode that posed so many question which would ultimately go unanswered
day 355/365, G5 styled Rainbow