"i refuse to emerge onto this timeline"--Cookie the fiftysomething parrot
#Pets #PetBird #PetBirds #Parrot #Parrots #SeniorParrots #BirdRescue
"i refuse to emerge onto this timeline"--Cookie the fiftysomething parrot
#Pets #PetBird #PetBirds #Parrot #Parrots #SeniorParrots #BirdRescue
Does anyone on the fediverse have pet birds that are not parrot type? Mainly I'm thinking doves and pigeons, but pet crows would also be boss. (And yeah, parrots too.) Show me them birds! #BirdsOfFediverse #PetBirds
love is real
the usual paywall free link to their love story for those who don't know it https://vocal.media/petlife/what-a-cockatiel-teaches-me-about-life-love-and-neediness
i am participating in a challenge to take at least one photo a day in 2024 on the 365 platform, and this is today's photo
weirdly, it's getting a lot more interest than my wild bird photos, that platform just doesn't seem to have the same interest in rare species as we see here on Mastodon
i titled it, "do you want to know a secret, do you promise not to tell"
As always, these two are so adorable. Grabbed a quick shot just now of Boobear the 28 year old Cockatiel grooming the head of a blissed-out Nyota the lovebird.
For those who do not know, Nyota is a survivor of 2012's Hurricane Isaac when she was found mixing it up with a Mockingbird in Biloxi's Back Bay-- and came off second best in the battle. She has no idea of her true size...
Grabbed a new photo that I called "Say Cheese, Boo" for my #Project365. These two crack me up... their story is here (no paywall) for anyone who wants to learn more https://vocal.media/petlife/what-a-cockatiel-teaches-me-about-life-love-and-neediness
Let's all celebrate the hatchdate of Boobear the 28 year old cockatiel!!!!!! His lovebird mate Nyota has been giving him so many scritches all morning!
I don't know the exact date of his hatch since he came to me after his owner passed away, & a couple of other rescue attempts had failed because he needed a constant companion like sweet Nyota but his band says July 1996 so every July we pick a day to celebrate.
Happy #FursuitFriday feat. # 1 sunman, Bambi!!
Today's #Project365 is with a different lens and also for settings I tried the White Balance > Fluorescent > Setting 5 Daylight White Fluorescent
seems closest to the daylight LED bulbs I'm using, the image tones are a little yellow but the "peach" in the lovebird's boop spot actually came out peach without any need for color correction in post so...
When these two flew down to sit together on the back of my office chair, I knew I had the image for today's Project 365.
(These are rescue borbs, Nyota the Lovebird was found after Hurricane Isaac in 2012, 27-year-old Cockatiel Boobear outlived his first owner & came to me with significant grief & crying issues-- they've both been doing great for years)