#MastoDev #MastoAdmin: a much-improved version of my Mastodon expanded #FullTextSearch patch is available to try at https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/2
this version allows admins to configure whether they want #search to include all public posts, include all public and unlisted posts, or use the same scope as vanilla Mastodon.
i've also tested a bit with #OpenSearch and filed a PR against vanilla https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/22422 that gets rid of a spurious admin dashboard version check warning message when using it. OpenSearch 2.4.0 is plenty compatible with the ES 7.x that Mastodon currently expects, and honestly, nobody should be using the closed-source version (unless you're actually paying Elastic for support i guess?)
(on the side, i've also started experimenting with PG-backed full-text search so this can be done without #Elasticsearch at all, but that will be in a separate patch and, due to PG not being horizontally scalable, is only going to be suitable for small instances.)