@nixCraft I cannot get <local_LAN_ip_address>:8000
, opened in a browser,
to work on my Android phone to open a GUI served by a computer linked to phone by #wifi on the #LAN. iOS is ok. #Android not. Is there a fix ? #localhost Cheers!
@nixCraft I cannot get <local_LAN_ip_address>:8000
, opened in a browser,
to work on my Android phone to open a GUI served by a computer linked to phone by #wifi on the #LAN. iOS is ok. #Android not. Is there a fix ? #localhost Cheers!
Quickly connect / disconnect from LAN #networking #commandline #ethernet #systemd #lan
Včera jsem se trochu mučil. Plánujeme s kamarády retro LANku, tak jsem dával dohromady svoje retro stroje. No instalace Windows Milenium je maličko o nervy...
#retro #lan #gaming #oldcomputer
#SSIDWeb Communication: A Simple Guide
#p2p #nosurf #foss #smolnet #tech #solarpunk #irl #wlan #lan #cyberpunk #smolweb #mesh #meshnet
Finding a discreet human scale public space without untrustworthy third party (as much as possible)
+intermittent amnesic pseudonymous ubiquitous ergonomic free+
What Is SSIDWeb?
SSIDWeb uses WiFi network names (SSIDs) to share small pieces of information within a local area. It's a decentralized way to signal your interests, offers, or requests without needing internet or social platforms.
How It Works
1. Encode Information in the WiFi Name (SSID):
Use a 3character code to describe your group, the type of interaction, and preferences.
Add a handle or alias for followup communication (e.g., `@Alice`).
2. Format:
SSID: `BOU@John`
B: Vegan (group).
O: Gathering/Event (offer).
U: High mutualization (setup).
Steps to Use
1. Choose Your Code
Position 1 (Group): Choose your niche.
Position 2 (Type):
Uppercase = Offer (e.g., `O` for hosting an event).
Lowercase = Request (e.g., `o` for asking about an event).
Position 3 (Setup): Decide the interaction mode (e.g., `T` = Anonymous).
2. Set Your WiFi Name
Open your WiFi settings and rename your network to match your code.
Add an alias or contact (e.g., email or handle): `DPZsashaathostcom`.
3. Scan and Decode Nearby SSIDs
Look at available WiFi networks and decode codes using the chart below.
Code Chart
Position 1: Groups
D:Physical Play
Position 2: Types
Offer/Request A a
A:Market Entry
Z:First Exp
E:Pro Collab
Position 3: Setups
U:High Mutualization
O:In person
Why Use SSIDWeb?
Privacy: Share information without revealing identities.
Decentralized: No internet or platform dependency.
Simple: Works on any device that scans WiFi networks.
Example Use Case
SSID: `UYA@Bobatinstancecom`
U: Psychonaut group.
Y: Tools to do Psychonaut stuff.
A: Fiat transaction.
When Bob's network appears, others nearby can decode it and join anonymously!
Start today and connect locally with SSIDWeb!
Fritzbox über VLAN ans Glasfasermodem
Demnächst kommt ein Glasfaseranschluss. Kann ich über das Netzwerkkabel parallel zum LAN auch die Fritzbox mit dem Glasfasermodem verbinden?
My entry for FlashParty '24
ASCII Textmode Artwork
80cols x 114ln.
Loved to participate on this wonderful daylong voyage that is this demoparty hosted by @flashparty , couldn´t resist to draw this.
thanks for the support and good vibes :)
El 5 Oct se realizó la FlashParty, festival de artes tecnológicas orientado al uso de equipos retro, en obsolesencia, marginales y/o caseros DIY. Fue un gusto poder participar con este homenaje / afiche de #ArteTexto #ASCII 128 chars sin colores.
gracias @flashparty por la organización y toda la pila de energía!
Посидев несколько дней без работающих сервисов домашнего сервера я понял насколько я к ним привык.
Как-то неудобненько без нейросеточек, медиасервера, файловой шары и прочего.
И главное что доступные в онлайне сервисы вроде кинопоисков или ChatGPT не могут нормально это всё заместить. Стриминги - потому что они фрагментированы даже на западе, а у нас еще и проблемы с лицензиями на контент.
А ChatGPT я многое в принципе не готов кормить.
Короче говоря, одновременно почувствовал и свою зависимость от сервера, и то, насколько мне полезен мой селфхост.
#LAN party for two, authentic style. #DOOM co-op over serial. #retrogaming #retrogames #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #lanparty #LANpartys
Кто пофиксил несколько сетевых проблем ожидавших исправления, разобрался с VLAN, сделал несколько раздельных сегментов домашней сети и гостевой WiFi (уже на VLAN) - тот я
Основное время съели фикс недоступности одного из свитчей в локальной сети (после того как я их сам случайно закрыл и забыл) и разбирательство как заставить VLAN ходить через два свитча до роутера.
В итоге как всегда: мутные статьи на Хабре, пачка видео (включая специально для MikroTik) - нихера непонятно.
Статья на xgu.ru - и всё сразу прояснилось
Small life improvement: I have changed the domain name of my private network from ".lan" to the now standardized ".internal". So when I type <hostname>.<internal-domain> Firefox will actually access the host instead of making an internet search.
Netzwerkkarten mit 5 Gbit/s plötzlich billig, auch als M.2-Karte für Raspi 5
Ein neuer Netzwerkchip von Realtek ermöglicht günstige Adapter mit 5-Gigabit-Ethernet. Per Import geht es schon unter 10 Euro los.
Schnelles Ethernet | c’t uplink
In dieser Folge des c’t uplink gehts um Ethernet jenseits der 1-Gbit/s-Marke.
Life Update:
- Started taking #ADHD meds 2-3 weeks ago
- Deployed a small colo cabinets' worth of equipment here in Los Angeles
- Joined the #hackathon committee at #NANOG in February and starting to get busy with that as NANOG 91 approaches
- Migrating a #MySQL database across the country and importing it into a fresh new 3-node #MariaDB #Galera cluster, has proven to be the bain of my existence
- Work has been interesting, one of my #Python programing projects from when I was on the #LAN team, has now gained importance with much better architecting, coding and access to environments. Sometimes working on a team can be frustrating when they do not see my vision, but they are great at providing input and have the experience of implementing things in a proper manner, than my code that can be somewhat considered haphazard. Thankfully ruff, pre-commit hooks, and a number of other tools guide me in the right direction.
Tunnelvision: Angreifer können VPNs aushebeln und Daten umleiten
Mit einer 22 Jahre alten DHCP-Option können Angreifer bewirken, dass Datenverkehr am VPN vorbeiläuft. Weder Nutzer noch VPN-Betreiber bekommen das mit.
Have probably spotlighted this book in the past, but worth mentioning it again!
LAN Party is a photographic celebration of the golden age of multiplayer PC gaming!
Complete with community contributions, it's a fantastic coffee table book!
#LAN #LANParty #Multiplayer #PC #PCGaming #Retro #Gaming #Gamer #Games #VideoGames #VideoGame #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Doom #Quake #Halo #ComputerGames
Ethernetverbindung stürzt ab
Ich habe mein Heimnetz auf Multigigabit-Ethernet mit 2,5 Gbit/s aufgerüstet. Nur bei einem PC hängt sich die LAN-Verbindung regelmäßig auf. Woran liegt das?