Trying to concentrate on this episode of Dungeons and Drag Queens but getting distracted by Brennan's very sparkly outfit again. Is that bracer embroidered? How is it embroidered? Those bits of sequins on his little vest are so good, too. But that bracer? Is that bullion work? Tambour? Surely thread that sparkly can't be machine embroidered without the thread snapping a million times? Are both of his bracers like that? I want to see a behind the scenes talking about this outfit!
There's something incredibly healing about watching a bunch of fabulous drag queens, and more than half of them POC to boot, having fun and playing some DnD, led by Brennan Lee Mulligan in sparkly makeup. If you've ever thought about watching Dimension 20, now is a good a time. The Dropout sub comes with a ton of other shows with people of all sizes, colours, genders and persuasions, too, but there's also this: Dungeons and Drag Queens! Season two no less!
Today, we have a paper for our English-speaking readers:
In "Performing Meaning Against All Odds: Dice in the #ActualPlay Anthology #Dimension20" Brigitte Rath analyzes how #dice rolls are staged in actual plays and encourage emotional investment.
#gamestudies #pnpde #ttrpg
Sometimes you need the inspiration of a werewolf student counselor in a fancy black and white filter to get your day going. #Dimension20
There are many other D&D shows that #Dimension20 has, but these are the ones I always love to recommend. Should I choose only 2, The Seven and ACOFAF are in the top of my list. On a later thread, I will also recommend shows that use different rulesets. Stay tuned!
#Dimension20 I'm sorry, did you say D&D cannot SciFi? Allow me to prove you wrong with A STARSTRUCK ODDISSEY
. Spacin' life baby!
#Dimension20 But there are some times that I do love me some urban fantasy. Do you live in New York? Do you miss New York? THE UNSLEEPING CITY
is for you! Discover the city beneath the city, and the fantastic creatures that populate it
But there is only ONE close to my heart. My cherished, my beloved A COURT OF FEY AND FLOWERS
Aabria Ayengar is a DM GODDESS here folks. Romantic roleplay Regency-era-style with fairies right trough your veins. I would live in this show forever. If you love Jane Austen or like to Bridgerton your way out of a bad day, this is the real deal #dimension20
has the honor on being in the middle of the strangest Venn diagram ever. What to know what happens when the blood and politics of Game of Thrones mix with sugary desserts? Go right here #dimension20
There are more chapters in the Fantasy High Universe, but I would like to speak now about other worlds that also deserve attention. And my all time favorite
is one of them, so let's go #Dimension20
#dimension20 For the "are we the baddies" crowd: ESCAPE FROM BLOODKEEP has an UNO reverse-Lord of the Rings vibe with an all evil
cast. Or at least, that was the initial intention? You have the FULL arc for free here
If you watched the fast track video, I highly highly recommend to Start with THE SEVEN. An all-maiden cast of adventurers and the craziest, funniest actual play I seen so far. Special mention goes to Becca Scott that plays as Penny Luckstone, a deranged rogue halfling lacking any sense of shame #dimension20
Fantasy High . Think on a mix of fantasy and high school comedy that uses D&D. The first episode can be viewed for free in YouTube, although it may lack some of the refinement of their recent productions, which may be a bug or a feature, depending on your preferences. Of you want a fast track of the first 2 seasons (which I recommend) you can use this #Dimension20
#Dimension20 is a series of #TTRPG actual plays that can be found in the Dropout TV service but also in their own YouTube channel. Dimension20 has a main arc and also a series of self-contained adventures. Let's see some of them, along my personal recommendations on where to start:
Hear ye, hear ye, I will make a thread with my recommendations if you want to start watching the #TTRPG shows of #Dimension20. Please understand that this is a very personal list, so take it with a grain of sugar. Let's goooo
(You can temporarily silence the #Dimension20 hashtag in case you are not interested )
#introduction copy! (formerly @catdad)
hi I'm ghostcatte (they/he)! I'm an artist, software engineer, and sometimes #GameDev & musician
mostly I post my #DigitalArt, including some unfinished, practice, or process work. Sometimes posting fanart and occasionally / lewd art. I'm just gonna throw a bunch of tags for stuff I love too
I like building websites and I have quite a few. That I would list them out for people in one place. I have a site for each interest because I don't assume there is much overlap between them.
1. People here would like my math blog. I’m currently working on a project to annotate each year of Numberphile. You can start with this one.
2. I also keep some docs about @astro . It chronicles my journey working with it to build websites. It is for people who don’t know much about the command line. But, writing for the people with the least skill helps everyone. It keeps tutorials for the things that were difficult for me to figure out. Here is a post about why you might want to ditch WordPress for Astro.
3. I started a blog about blogging for people who want to learn how to write content for humans on the web. I’d appreciate people stopping by because it is getting no love from Google. There is too much competition for these keywords so the site got buried. But, I’m hoping that I can build a community around it.
4. Today I launched a blog about mental health and playing D&D. It is a Dimension 20 fansite. Where I will cover different campaigns. It is a wiki-style website and I’ll fill it in over time. Here is something that I wrote about why humans are like cats.
5. I’m also trying to start a US Math Communications Conference. You can sign up here.
I built all these websites with Astro.
Been binge watching #Dimension20 lately. "Never Stop Blowing Up"
Whenever I watch that show I feel a really strong urge to start playing a #TTRPG again. Sitting around with friends, rolling dice, making up fun adventures to go on.
But I need to find the time to play and a party to join.