@kyonshi and now you know why #SelfDrivingCars are illegal in #Germany!
@kyonshi and now you know why #SelfDrivingCars are illegal in #Germany!
…Acc/to an #AFP source, the incident occurred on March 9. The space #science researcher allegedly underwent a *random* check on arrival, during which his work #computer & personal #phone were searched.…Messages referring to the treatment of scientists by the #Trump admin were found. He was accused of messages "which reflect hatred towards Trump & can be described as terrorism". His professional & personal equipment was #confiscated & the researcher was sent back to #Europe…
#law #geopolitics #US
This is beyond…
#LeMonde reporting that a French scientist traveling to Houston to attend a conference was denied entry to #US after a #search of his #phone & #computer revealed messages critical of #Trump's #science cuts, "which [says #CPB] conveyed hatred of Trump & could be qualified as terrorism". Computer confiscated.
#law #geopolitics #USpol #authoritarianism #dictatorship #FreeSpeech #ThoughtPolice #Nazis #ViewpointDiscrimination
A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles.
Guys I've been thinking about this recently
So the telegraph has existed for a while, and became widespread in 1800s. Charles Babbage worked on the first mechanical #computers in the 1820s
What would be the earliest point in time in which a #Bitcoin like #Blockchain could've been made?
As I understand it all the system needs is a #network of computers each running a program that checks for transactions
I'm wondering if a different hash function was used it could be a lot simpler to implement into hardware, but if mechanical computing wasn't powerful enough for that the earliest might've been after WWII with the code breaking machines that the Allies invented
Any boosts would be greatly appreciated!
„Doom auf dem C64 und ein atomarer Atari“
Nicht ohne Stolz: mein #Atari ST (ok, und ich) im Golem.de / Besser Wissen #Podcast ! In dem etwa 45 Minütigen Podcast geht es um „hochgezüchtete“ #Retro-#Computer, wie sie auch auf dem #RetroComputer Festival im Heinz #Nixdorf Museum bzw. Forum zu sehen waren. Von 13:06 – 23:02 geht es dabei um mein Atari #STE System. Es ist übrigens auch auf dem Podcast-Titelbild zu bewundern.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
This is the Sharp PC-2000, or “Ratecaputer,” from 1979. Only 200 were ever made.
The name is a portmanteau:
Ra for radio
Te for television
Ca for cassette
Puter for computer
Thank you @pixelfed! That's why our #retrocomputer #popart #vector #graphics and #IT #pioneer #portraits are NOT available on #Suckaborg's #instagram. Those #vintage #computer #svg #illustrations can be found on @pixelfed, only.
Thanks to #Nvidia you can now save some money as a retro gamer!
Just upgrade from an expensive, useless RTX 5080 to a shiny, price-efficient GTX 580 and enjoy higher framerates in your PhysX-enabled games!
Of course the bad CPU code for PhysX they specifically wrote like shit to screw up ATI also never got updated. Have fun at cinematic 30 fps!
(Nvidia dropped PhysX support for 32bit applications, causing games to either run like trash or lose functionality)
#hardware #computer
I upgraded the GF's, daughters #computer this past December from a 1650 to a RTX 4060 and spinning rush to a 1TB SSD. I've kept the drive in a corner. But it is time to get rid of it. Time to pull out the sledge hammer.
Der CL1 verbindet menschliche Gehirnzellen, die aus Stammzellen gezüchtet wurden, mit einem Chip in einem Bioreaktor, um Rechenaufgaben zu erledigen.
Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-10312601?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege&utm_source=mastodon
OpenAI pushes AI agent capabilities with new developer API - The AI industry is doing its best to will "agents"—pieces of AI-driven sof... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/openai-pushes-ai-agent-capabilities-with-new-developer-api/ #computer-usingagent #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aiagents #operator #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #openai #tech #ai
That's nice!
How old is your computer?
Buying fewer electronic devices is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint (and save money!).
Unfortunately, "planned obsolescence" is a reality, and it means that electronics are designed to break down quickly or software updates force you to buy more "modern" equipment.
So, if you want to track or celebrate the anniversary of your devices, check out this idea!
We don't know who is behind this small online shop, but they have created some nice stickers that you can use in your devices to celebrate every year they survive to the digital obsolescence.
Link here: https://vignette-tech.fr/produit/vignette-tech/
And we would like to know:
How old is your oldest computer or mobile phone?
And have you ever bought an electronic that didn't last two years and has already broken or become obsolete?
This may seem like a dumb question, but has anyone else ever struggled with feeling afraid to do anything on their #computer besides super basic tasks like gaming and using a browser? Like, updating, using a virtual machine, and setting up backups feel scary? I used to be far more bold with what I did with my computer, but now the mere thought of setting up timeshift and partitioning my external hard drive seems terrifying, and I just don't do it. It doesn't seem to matter how long I've been using my computer and how many times I messed things up and recovered my data, I seem to have become afraid of just using my computer. Like, I'm scared of breaking something with the wrong press of a button, despite the fact that I've made backups. Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, do you have any suggestions on how to fix it? I have a feeling just pushing myself to use my computer like I used to will help, but I wonder if there's something else I'm missing, or if it's more so due to my worsening #anxiety issues.
I'm going to ask a #computer question:
Give me your takes on: system 76,
MNT reform, lemur and darter pro.
Photonischer Chip - schnell und energieeffizient
Rechenzentren verbrauchen immer mehr Energie. Ein Start-up aus Stuttgart will Abhilfe schaffen und hat einen Chip entwickelt, der mit Licht statt mit Strom rechnet - und deutlich weniger Energie verbraucht. Von Frank Wittig.