A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles.
A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles.
How I scared my publisher to doing their own marketing.
Pass the salt publisher. Hey do you have any #TikTok influencers we can pitch for reviews?
Me. internally. No. Isn't that your job?
Me to publisher via email. Is TikTok that thing where people have cuddle parties with interracial and international cuddle buddies to eventually get them to be here legally in the US by way of a slow burn romance that then becomes a marrige? If so, I mean, I'd love to go to one of these things and have about a dozen international husbands. I wouldn't even need to promote my book! Can you provide a trip on the publishers dime? After extensive cuddles and before ICE catches me, I'm sure I can sell a few copies! Where's the closest one to me? I live at XXX.
Publisher. Thank you for your reply! Upon reflection, we'd like to rely on our publicist to do social media promotion but thank you for your reply!
Sosiaalinen media ei ole lapsille sopivaa. Sosiaalisen median ikärajaksi pitäisi suoraan raa'asti heittää 18-vuotta, samoin kuin monelle muullekin terveydelle haitalliselle tuotteelle on laitettu.
Suora kielto jollekin TikTokille on toki myös houkutteleva vaihtoehto, mut se ei riitä vaan samalla pitäs kieltää Instagram, Facebook, yms. ja vaikka tbh en hirveesti senkään edessä kyyneleitä vuodattais, on tavallaan ymmärrettävää että yhteiskuntana me ollaan niin koukussa siihen että vastustus olis riittävän iso aiheuttaakseen mellakoita.
Mut kerta toisensa jälkeen tutkimustulokset kertoo että sosiaalinen media on nuoren mielenterveydelle ja kehitykselle haitallista, joten asiaan pitäs puuttua sille kuuluvalla vakavuudella.
Voin ottaa vastaan myös 17-vuoden ikärajan, mutta järkevintä olisi vaan heittää se sinne sen saman rajan taakse missä esim. alkoholikin on ihan vain yksinkertaisuuden vuoksi.
Tämä yhdistettynä mielenterveydenpalveluiden saatavuuden parantamiseen olis melko varmasti kova kombo millä paranee kansanterveys kertaheitolla.
HUOM: Linkin takana oleva juttu sisältää kuvamateriaalia joka voi aiheuttaa ahdistusta (varoitus on myös jutun alussa)
Yle: Vastuuton Tiktok
#Politiikka #SosiaalinenMedia #TikTok #MOT #Mielenterveys
#ColumbiaUniversity #freespeech
#tiktok #cdnpoli
#democracy #humanrights
#usa #canada
#Gaza #Palestine #Syria
#iran #lebanon #Genocide
@lebanon @yemen @irannachrichten #AntiImperialism
@blackmastodon @BLKNewsNow @politics #politics
Sustaining a Politics of Extermination and Climate Chaos / Omar El Akkad
#ColumbiaUniversity #freespeech
#tiktok #cdnpoli #freeyvesengler
#democracy #humanrights
#usa #canada
#Gaza #Palestine #Syria
#iran #lebanon #Genocide
@lebanon @yemen
@irannachrichten #AntiImperialism
@politics #politics #anarchism
Veterans are building a movement.
@palestine@a.gup.pe @palestine@lemmygrad.ml @lebanon @yemen @irannachrichten #SettlerColonialism
Retired Army Colonel Ann Wright joins the fight in DC! Calling out massive cuts to the VA, education, and public services while war budgets keep growing. It’s time to invest in people, not endless wars!
@palestine@a.gup.pe @palestine@lemmygrad.ml @lebanon @yemen
Inside a restaurant in Dublin, pro-Palestinian women yelled at an Israeli, demanding that he leave, saying, “Zionists are not welcome in Ireland.” One of them then spat on him.
@palestine@a.gup.pe @palestine@lemmygrad.ml @lebanon @yemen @irannachrichten #SettlerColonialism
DOGE is basically not touching the US military, where there actually is rampant fraud.
Because DOGE is just a scheme to gut social spending.
What is the biggest Pentagon contractor by market valuation? Elon Musk's SpaceX, with $5.6 billion in contracts.
@politics #poverty
heise+ | Warum die Durchsetzung des DSA nur langsam vorankommt
Keines der von der EU angestoßenen DSA-Verfahren ist bislang abgeschlossen. Nun droht zusätzlich Gegenwind von der US-amerikanischen Trump-Administration.
BeReal is a French social networking app that was created by Alexis Barreyat and Kevin Perreau in France in 2020.
It's seen as a rival to apps like Instagram or TikTok and it's got features that have been copied by Instagram recently.
But some people see it as more of an 'anti-Instagram' because you can't edit your photos, use filters or see how many followers you have.
So, what's the deal?
It's basically a photo-sharing app that encourages users to share a daily photo of their real life without filters or editing, using both the front and rear cameras on their device. Every day, users are given a fun and unexpected notification at a random time, giving them just two minutes to take and post a photo. You can choose to share your photo with friends or more people.
It's already got 23 million users worldwide (but you don't hear about it much in the mainstream media).
Did you know about it? Do you use it?
Check out some interesting growth stats about BeReal here:
Official website: https://bereal.com
Take home message for me, #TikTok is making you dumb, go read a #science book instead (or listen to a science audio book. Recording or using a text to speech app)
All In The Mind: The ick: dating, disgust and #evolutionary #psychology
Episode webpage: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/allinthemind/the-ick-dating-disgust-evolutionary-psychology/104948536
Take home message for me, #TikTok is making you dumb, go read a #science book instead
All In The Mind: The ick: dating, disgust and #evolutionary #psychology
Episode webpage: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/allinthemind/the-ick-dating-disgust-evolutionary-psychology/104948536
TikTok: Mit chilliger Musik gegen nächtliche Nutzung durch Teenager
TikTok ergreift Maßnahmen, um jugendliche Nutzer besser zu schützen. Nachts sollen sie etwa schlafen und nicht durch die bunte Welt von TikTok streifen.
Social-Media-Beschwerdezentrum entscheidet in Mehrheit der Fälle gegen Facebook
Seit Januar hat die Schlichtungsstelle Appeals Centre Europe über 150 Entscheidungen zu Inhalten auf sozialen Netzwerken gefällt – oft zugunsten der Nutzer.
Hello #mastadon !
I have a simple #request for #help -
I have been getting a ton of traction on #scoopz and I am doing some shameless #selfpromo again!
I want the whole world to know #trump can't actually read. So I made a #rant about it, and I would like #signalboost from the #fediverse so it gets higher in the algorithm.
I would highly #recommend the #app as it's essentially a more mature #tiktok and super raw.
Thank you!
US-Geschäft von TikTok: Laut Trump laufen Verhandlungen mit vier Interessenten
Die US-Politik will einen Verkauf des US-Geschäfts von TikTok erzwingen. Laut Donald Trump gibt es aktuell Verhandlungen mit vier "guten" Interessenten.
Take back control. Stop being sheep to the algorithm!