Microsoft: Attacken auf Power Pages, Bing abgesichert
Angreifer hatten mit Power Pages erstellte Websites im Visier. Schadcode hätte durch Bing-Schwachstelle schlüpfen können.
Microsoft: Attacken auf Power Pages, Bing abgesichert
Angreifer hatten mit Power Pages erstellte Websites im Visier. Schadcode hätte durch Bing-Schwachstelle schlüpfen können.
La photo #Bing du jour est dans le thème
Anyone else having issues with #bing imagery in #josm? I keep getting an error (attribution something, I can’t recall it now) and the imagery doesn’t load. #OpenStreetMap
Euh, c'est moi qui hallucine ou vous vérifiez la même chose ?
Il est impossible de chercher "PeerTube" dans le moteur de recherche #Microsoft #Bing
Édit : c'est le filtrage strict (celui présent dans tous les établissements scolaires) qui bloque. Normal ? je ne suis pas sûr...
Ping @peertube @Framasoft
#Kagi is kind of curious as a bit of a new thing in search. But, like so many others, it doesn’t paginate search results on mobile (preferring the endless scroll). This means losing position when jumping in and out of articles or returning to the browser. So annoying. Only #Bing has proper pagination. Essential for deep diving into a topic.
Cc @kagihq
#Microsoft is quite something: I've already switched the search engine in the #Edge browser to google. And I deactivated their Bing-"home" tab that shows up when opening.
... And yet, with the latest update every empty tab has a search bar in there with - you guessed it: Bing!
And no way to change it or turn it off.
They are bizarrely brazen in their ways of force-feeding users their crap.
Microsoft entfernt irreführende Google-ähnliche Oberfläche bei #Bing. Der Konzern schweigt aber weiterhin zu den Vorwürfen, während #Google die Taktik scharf kritisiert. https://winfuture.de/news,148171.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Googles Marktanteile bei Internet-Suche erstmals in 10 Jahren unter 90 Prozent
Die Dominanz Googles scheint langsam zu bröckeln. Erstmals seit Anfang 2015 nutzen mehr als einer von zehn Internet-Nutzern eine andere Suchmaschine als Google.
Why do I need Table of Contents if I can see all content in the first 200 px?
Die #Suchmaschine von #Microsoft kopiert jetzt das Aussehen von #Google. Obwohl sich Nutzer weiter bei #Bing befinden, wird ihnen suggeriert, beim Konkurrenten gelandet zu sein. Absichtliche #Täuschung? https://winfuture.de/news,147968.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Does Microsoft actually have products that do what you want, or do they already know what's good for you, better than you do, everywhere?
You've got to be kidding me, Microsoft, what the actual fuck. When you search for "google" in Bing, it will display a Google like page, tricking you into thinking you are on Google. The amount of INNOVATION coming from the capitalist behemoths is simply astounding!
Colibri Bookstore (some book shop in New York, I don't live there) has a website that appears to be hijacked and is allegedly promoting supplements like Livpure, Red Boost, etc. (the same products that show up trending first on #Bing search results) May be related to colibrim.us and supplements.best as well.
SEO manipulation?
Dear friend of Neoang3l grab your free games [neoang3l.wordpress.com], This holiday season, we now report 5 more free games, currently available for download for all users on Steam and Epic.
The list of free games available on Steam and Epic. is growing, as we now have 5 more new free games, ready for you to try first hand. The news comes shortly after another series of games, always available free of charge.
Grab for FREE here!
Cosmic Royale [store.steampowered.com] —- ( Steam)
Fateful Destiny [store.steampowered.com] —- ( Steam)
Arisen Force: Life Devotee [store.steampowered.com] —- ( Steam)
Ash Echoes Global [store.steampowered.com] —- ( Steam)
DREDGE [store.epicgames.com]—- (Epic)
In order to download the games in question you simply need to have an active and functioning Steam and Epic account. The games in question should not have a deadline, which is why it will be possible to play them for free for as long as you want.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Hint: If you’ve any question or problem on how to grab this freebie game, feel free to ask a question, or just add a note! Our community will help you for sure. Have fun ! & Best regards! Also found on Facebook. Instagram, twitter or Telegram [allmylinks.com]…and you’ll never miss a GAME for FREE! [allmylinks.com]
Dear friend of Neoang3l grab your free games [neoang3l.wordpress.com], This holiday season, we now report new giveaway from my friend Torque (Free-Games.news)
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Hint: If you’ve any question or problem on how to grab this freebie game, feel free to ask a question, or just add a note! Our community will help you for sure. Have fun ! & Best regards! Also found on Facebook. Instagram, twitter or Telegram [allmylinks.com]…and you’ll never miss a GAME for FREE! [allmylinks.com]
The Fediverse is unique.
My survey asked what your favorite search engine is.
51% said DuckDuckGo, 12% Startpage, 9% Ecosia and 4% Qwant. Only 6% said Google and 1% Bing. 17% said they preferred another search engine, with many mentioning Kagi and Mojeek.
This is quite different from what the market share out there is, which shows how unique you all are here in the Fediverse. You make your own choices and do not follow everyone else. Be proud.
#fediverse #Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Computer #mobile #search #BigTech #Vivaldi @Vivaldi #Mastodon #Google #Microsoft #DuckDuckGo #StartPage #Ecosia #Bing #Qwant
I can't believe my eyes: finally, after 2 years, enkisoftware, our website/blog/store is back in the bing -and therefore duckduckgo- search results! https://www.enkisoftware.com
Our website was deindexed with no explanation in 2022, completely disappearing from bing. I reached out to support several times and tried improving the website to no avail. I have no idea what triggered the reindexing
very happy I don't have to waste my time on this issue anymore
5 years ago, I would have considered paying for the ability to search the web a bit of a rich man’s endeavour.
A lotsearchengine in 5 years though, with SEO spam and generative AI turning search results into a terrible experience.
For the last month I have been trying out premium search engine #Kagi, and have written some thoughts about it.