Wanting to get a more clear answer from Go Net Speed (spelled as one word, GoNetSpeed), I made enough of a fuss that they said they would get a hold of their planning department, and call me back, which to my surprise, by the end of the day they did.
GoNetSpeed claimed the similar nonsense a competing cable company would claim, when they don't plan or want to service an address. For example, if you lived in a Comcast area and tried to order Charter, they would have told you that there was some law or legal reason why they could not go there. It is an easy excuse that they used on the ignorant to make them go away.
By comparison, today, GoNetSpeed claims Verizon has pulled the permits for a single telephone pole, after two days (they put up the line Monday, up my whole street, and pulled it down from 1 pole on Wednesday). Interesting enough, the telephone pole in question, would not even affect servicing me, since the line continues to go all the way past my house, past my driveway, and ends at the pole next to my driveway. That would make it a problem for my neighbor, certainly, but not me.
I pointed this fact out, and they continued to claim it is an issue with Verizon. I do not even think Verizon owns the pole in our town. In fact, I know Verizon, on the east coast, much like ATT on the west coast, would love nothing more than to end their landlines here in favor of wireless.
#GoNetSpeed #FiberOptic #EasthamptonMa #Easthampton #Massachusetts #Fios #Verizon #ATT