Here are some vitamins for your eyes - a blue bowl filled with fresh juicy oranges - handmade watercolor stilllife painting.
--> https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/blue-bowl-with-fresh-oranges-karen-kaspar.html
Here are some vitamins for your eyes - a blue bowl filled with fresh juicy oranges - handmade watercolor stilllife painting.
--> https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/blue-bowl-with-fresh-oranges-karen-kaspar.html
I'm still against eating animals, but I see no reason to not eat milk, cheese, and yogurt, foods that contain many of the vital nutrients we need to live (protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12). The vegan diet plan, in my opinion, goes unnecessarily to far with its opposition to all animal products and makes it more difficult to get vital nutrients that are needed for basic survival, which is why lacto-vegetarianism is the most logical diet for me. #veganism #vegan #vegetarian #veganfood
I've decided to switch from veganism to vegetarianism, specifically lacto-vegetarianism. Veganism is too restrictive for my own health. Sure, you can "technically" aquire essential nutrients on a vegan diet, but it's easier said than done, and often requires you to spend more money (that I don't have) on vegan alternatives of foods that you could otherwise easily get from any store, and for what? To feel better (I don't)? To be healthier (I'm not)? #veganism #vegan #vegetarian #veganfood
Think for yourself … #vegan #animalrights #peaceonaplate #plantbased #veganfood
Made a lemon cake from the Vegan pastry bible. I really enjoyed recipe and the cake is very nice. The lemon flavour is very much there but very subtle. I enjoyed the recipe in the book as it uses potato protein in it and I have only ever used that with macarons. The book is very good as well I love the detail in it for every recipe and the recipes are very well constructed. #vegan #veganfood #baking
Made some vegan nuggets today #vegan #veganfood #cooking
Lunch today was “lamb-ish” #juicymarbles, shredded, with spicy picked garlic, a mushroom based seasoning, on a Cuban roll with vegenaise and #vegan homemade bbq sauce. Delicious #veganfood, yum!
Veganism Social is a Mastodon server for vegans to make friends and interact with the wider Fediverse:
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You can find out more at https://veganism.social/about or contact the admin @nm
Hoy receta portuguesa adaptada
Paso bastante tiempo en Portugal y hace poco me compré un libro de recetas teadicionales veganizadas. Las ire poniendo por aqui según las pruebe y en algún momento haré la correspondiente reseña de este libraco. Ojalá algo similar para España.
Tofu à Brás.
Saltear el tofu 250g y darle sabor con especias varias (pimenton, ajo en polvo, salsa de soja, sal, alga nori triturada...)
Saltear 2 puerros y 6 dientes de ajo y 2 hojas de laurel a fuego bajo.
Cocer 2 patatas medianas cortadas en trozos grandes.
Mezclar todo en un recipiente y llevar al horno 20 minutos a 220°C.
Al sacarlo añadir aceitunas negras y perejil (mejor fresco pero yo no tenía y no pasa nada).
A disfrutar
Menu vegano 1
Picadillo de tofu
Col con ajo estofada
Aguacate troceado.
Esto estaba...
Are you in the mood for some fresh fruit?
Watermelon triangle is part of my mini series of three acrylic paintings of fresh watermelons.
Find it here: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/watermelon-triangle-karen-kaspar.html
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Apple on a table - handmade charcoal drawing
--> https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/apple-on-a-table-karen-kaspar.html