#Mckinnon, #Australia is home to this beautiful #WisteriainSensis, commonly known as the Chinese wisteria.
It drapes beautifully over a rear fence, backing onto a public reserve.
Gorgeous, huh?!
#Mckinnon, #Australia is home to this beautiful #WisteriainSensis, commonly known as the Chinese wisteria.
It drapes beautifully over a rear fence, backing onto a public reserve.
Gorgeous, huh?!
Just look at these awesome #Rhododendron… pink as anything and oh so delicate, elegant in appearance.
I’ve seen many in white, too!
Most species are native to eastern Asia and the Himalayan region, but smaller numbers occur elsewhere in Asia, and in North America, Europe and Australia.
Fun fact; there exists, 1,024 different species of Rhododendron
What a lovely display this morning, here in #Mckinnon, #Australia!
This magnificent #WisteriainSensis, commonly known as the Chinese wisteria, is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, native to China.
I’m in Love with these
#Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa.
In South Africa, it is commonly known as the #CraneFlower.
The gorgeous ‘flowers’ are so colourful and cheery. A welcomed sight, during late #winter here in Melbs!
The genus #Acacia belongs to the family Mimosaceae. There are some 1350 species of Acacia found throughout the world and close to 1000 of these are found in Australia.
Commonly known as #Wattle, Acacia is the largest genus of vascular plants in Australia.
Australia's national floral emblem is Acacia pycnantha, the Golden Wattle.
For those into botanic classifications, this one (pictured) is a #AcaciaPodalyriifolia
What a beauty. And such a unique petal structure!
These flowers (petals) are thick and fleshy to the touch.
This is a #MagnoliaDenudata, the lilytree or Yulan magnolia, native to central and eastern China.
A little bit of info about the #lilytree;
It has been cultivated in Chinese Buddhist temple gardens since 600 AD.
Its flowers were regarded as a symbol of purity in the Tang Dynasty and were planted in the grounds of the Emperor's palace.
It is the official city flower of Shanghai.
These flowers, from a #CamelliaOleifera are just gorgeous.
Look at those fine hair-like filaments and yellow anthers (pic 4), such a delight.
I think this is a #manuka. Aka LeptospermumScoparium, (Māori pronunciation: maːnʉka), New Zealand teatree, broom tea-tree, or just tea tree.
It is native to New Zealand and south-east Australia.
Its nectar produces Mānuka honey.
Love it’s tiny flowers - this series of bushes measured around 4 x 2 metres and was waist height (around a metre).
Pic taken just on sunset.
Wattles are out in force and blooming profusely - and right on cue, now in Melbourne.
This tree is quite large and the yellow blossoms, generous. The scent of this thing was pungent.
#Wattle is known for such an impressive attribute, as well as their bursts of yellow, of course.
They’re really something else!
Look at this beauty. A #camellia.
Notice its colour and textures of whites and pinks. It is just stunning!
I believe this variant is a #CamelliaOleifera, which originated in China. It is notable as an important source of edible oil (known as tea oil or camellia oil) obtained from its seeds.
#EucalyptusLeucoxylon, commonly known as #yellowgum, #bluegum or #whiteironbark, is a small to medium-sized tree that is endemic to south-eastern Australia.
It has smooth yellowish bark with some rough bark near the base, lance-shaped or curved leaves, flower buds in groups of three and cylindrical, barrel-shaped or shortened spherical fruit.
A widely cultivated species, it has white, red or pink flowers.
This gorgeous flowering #gum was growing, with full happiness and health, in
Oh, a #RainbowLorikeet photobombed at the precise time!
My ID app tells me this gorgeous tree is a #JapaneseApricot.
The flower is a beloved subject in the traditional painting and poetry of countries including China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan… and is usually called ‘plum blossom’.
The fruit of the tree is used in juices, as a flavouring for alcohol, as a pickle, and in sauces. It is also used in traditional medicine.
Despite its practical uses, this tree is undeniably visually divine!
#GrevilleaBanksii, commonly known as Banks' #grevillea, Byfield waratah, red flowered silky oak and dwarf silky oak.
In Hawaii it is known as a kāhili flower!
It is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae and is endemic to Queensland.
Grows very well here in #Melbs and flowers prolifically, even in
- #olympicpark #melbourne #australia
Don’t think I’ve ever noticed these beauties flower before.
It’s known as #AeoniumArboreum, aka the tree aeonium, tree houseleek, or Irish rose.
These plants are normally not so impressive in garden settings, imo, but seeing these bright yellow conical blooms has raised my estimation of these beauties… no end!
I read with note, that these are an invasive weed in places outside its natural distribution. And from my observations over the years, they’re hearty (relatively drought resistant) and their longevity is epic.
#Altext image 1
A weed I know.
But clover in any shape, size or variety for mine, is beaut!
Especially the all elusive four leaf!
As a kid, my dad said he’d give me $50 if I ever found a four leaf clover. Hunted for years, found one in my latter years, now preserved between the pages of a book.
Offered the same deal to my two boys a few years back and inflation meant $100.
Im $200 lighter in the bank account, as a result!!
They were super diligent
#brightonEast #Australia is home to this gorgeous and healthy looking #azalea.
Simply cannot believe how many I’m seeing blossoming in the cooler, wet weather of late.
And that patterning, which is synonymous with these flowers, no matter their colour.
So beautiful.