DOGE’s Dodgy Numbers Employ a Tesla Technique
#Safety researchers claim Elon Musk’s auto company has a long #history of potentially misleading #stats. Now it looks like his #government dept is following suit.
#DOGE “put out some numbers, they didn’t smell good, they switched things around,” alleges Noah Goodall, an independent transportation researcher. “That screamed #Tesla. You get the feeling they’re not really interested in the #truth.”
Thinking about genAI vs human intelligence.
genAI hallucinates, unavoidably.
Humans make mistakes, unavoidably.
Mistakes aren't hallucinations. They are a step in a truth-finding process. They help the human who makes the mistake (and their fellow humans) to improve their criteria for true or false.
Hallucinations, when detected, are a trigger for the model to produce answers whose lack of validated truth is less detectable.
Relevant clumsiness vs sophisticated emptyness.
A quotation from John Adams []
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
John Adams (1735-1826) American lawyer, Founding Father, statesman, US President (1797-1801)
Speech (1770-12-04), “Argument in Defence of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials”
Sourcing, notes:
Some #truth from Liz Cheney:
FWIW, having just spoken with my 96 y.o. mother, who was an educator and even now donates time and effort to the community library...
I (in New York) fretted about the immediate impact on prices, of eggs and vegetables, and here - energy prices due to most of our energy, already expensive, comes from Canada. And someone declared war on them and now there's tariffs on "OUR" energy.
Meanwhile, mom is most worried about one thing: #education and the attack on it.
And #truth
A quotation from Chris Boucher []
THE DOCTOR: Would you like a jelly baby?
LEELA: It’s true then! They say the Evil One eats babies.
THE DOCTOR: You mustn’t believe all they say.
Chris Boucher (1943-2022) British TV screenwriter, script editor, novelist
Doctor Who, 14×04 “The Face of Evil,” Part 1 (1977-01-01)
Sourcing, notes:
Ricotta is not actually a cheese. It's more of a dairy slurry or purée. #truth
@atomicker @palin @Beachbum I hate to agree with this, but I must. Apathy does reign supreme. I fear people won’t bother taking to the streets in protest because at least many of them don’t want to risk losing their creature comforts. And others just can’t be bothered. The protest site is clear across town! They’re calling for rain! The only thing that will jump-start real protest is when there is literally no other choice. #Truth
Lincoln Project, with some actual #truth
"Rick Wilson reacts to Trump lying in front of the whole country for a record-breaking 90 straight minutes."
"Trump LIES Repeatedly in DERANGED Joint Address"
My comment:
I watched enough to see how he manages to lead his #cult … he’s using hypnosis techniques, repeating the main “suggestions” about reality (“you really don’t want that”… “We have succeeded the most ever in history”, “so smart”), etc.
…in this moment where competence is being replaced by loyalty… what people have to do in this circumstance is just do your job. … Just be a goddamn journalist.
—Jason Stanley
#journalism #media #truth
I think we are facing an even more profound crisis than politics or the news. The very basis of empirical investigation, facts and evidence, that relates of course also to the rule of law, is coming under attack for the first time in our lifetime. And make no mistake, this threat, this onslaught is coming to Europe next.
—Chris Steele
#politics #media #truth
…you need to keep analysis going because they're doing a flood of tactics now. …one of its effects is to lose the overall picture. … And then you have no overall sense of what's going on.
—Jason Stanley
#analysis #objectivity = #truth