Mirage is the second of the two characters I'm playing in a one-on-one Pathfinder 2e campaign my partner and I were planning. Mirage is a dragon-blooded merfolk ranger, and chitters is their "faithful" mount.
Mirage doesn't really fit the typical ranger archetype, they were a prince (though very far from the throne) cast out over a disagreement with their mother. The Queen disowned them, exiled them from the kingdom and only allowed them to take their mount Chitters before chasing them out of their kingdom. Like many nobility, mirage enjoyed hunting for sport, and was quite good at it, but they quickly learned that the hunting trips they went on, surrounded by royal attendants, are very different from living out in the wilderness and having to hunt enough to feed both you, and a very grumpy wyvern that was not particularly keen to be taken from his life of luxury.
#Pathfinder #PF2E #TTRPG #DnD #PathfinderCharacter #Fantasy #Dragon #Furry #SFWFurry #FurryArt #mermaid #Merfolk