I just wanted to share a humorous little story I thought some of you might like to hear.
I collect pins from the 1973 Disney animated film "Robin Hood," chiefly of the main character. A year or so ago, the algorithms over at Zuckbook recommended to me a group specifically for that niche, and I joined.
I don't visit the group very often; it's more or less just background noise. A month or so ago a lady on there messaged me out of the blue to ask if I'd be interested in a "bargain lot," which turned out to mean 50 pins she wants to get rid of. Only one of the pins in the lot had Robin Hood on it, and it was a pin I already own. I told her diplomatically that I wasn't interested, but thanked her for thinking of me (though I suspect she sent a similar message to everyone in the group).
This, apparently, was an invitation for her to share her life's story, for I got another, much longer message in response.
She lives near Orlando, where Disney stuff is bountiful and easy to access. She has collected Disney memorabilia her entire life, and hasn't bothered to limit her collection to any favorite characters or movies ("just ALL of it!!!!" is how she put it to me). Her collection includes "more than just pins," she said, though I don't know what all that entails. Nothing wrong with any of that.
But (she went on to me, a complete stranger) her husband has apparently decided to put his foot down and reclaim some space. Their entire basement (and, I'm willing to wager, a fair chunk of their regular living area) is dominated by her Disneyana collection. So is the majority of their two-car garage. AND they rent two storage units for the rest! Alas, she didn't send any photos; I'm guessing they'd look like a very colorful episode of "Hoarders."
Now, I like collecting Robin Hood pins because they represent a character I love, and they take up very little space. But then again, I don't have that many of them. This lady told me she has over SIXTEEN THOUSAND pins, including "spares for trading." I had to re-read her message a few times to confirm that number. No wonder she has no qualms selling off "bargain lots" of 50; it's a drop in the ocean!
But, you know, far be it for me to judge; she's indulging a passion just like I am, just with MUCH more intensity. I hope Mr. and Mrs. Orlando can strike a happy medium.