As Renew As A Crew’s run draws to a close, we’re more thankful than ever for the community this campaign fostered in our fandom.
Change isn’t always easy. But as our former captains begin their well-deserved retirement, we’re excited to introduce the next phase of our charted course: finding a new home for Our Flag Means Death.
Doesn’t Ed deserve more warmth, good food, and… that other thing?
#RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD #OFMD #OurFlagMeansDeath #OurBricksMeanDeath
These Inn-Keepers deserve a proper happy ending! Let’s fight for them (and for love!)
#RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD #OFMD #OurFlagMeansDeath #OurBricksMeanDeath @RenewAsACrew []
I finished my #eveningrelaxart that i started yesterday. I used my cheap ass markers to color it.
These pieces are not for perfection, but for joy and to give my mind something to focus on instead of depressing stuff.
I thought of Ed and Stede being happy innKeepers. I imagine Stedes Kids coming by, having a meal once in a while.
#ourflagmeansdeathfanart #ofmd #fanart #OurFlagMeansDeath #Izzy #tradidionalillustration #RenewAsACrew
Sharing is caring
Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie based of the photo from her bts video #RenewAsACrew #OurFlagMeanDeath
#OFMDbts #SpanishJackie