#Delphi / Object #Pascal in den Top Ten im Tiobe Index. Dass das nochmal passiert ... https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
#Delphi / Object #Pascal in den Top Ten im Tiobe Index. Dass das nochmal passiert ... https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
@NanoRaptor The PDF link doesn't seem to work anymore. Here's an archive URL of this beautiful poster/grammar:
Programming languages to learn in 2025 (in order):
A (Turbo) #pascal #compiler in your browser: https://blog.adafruit.com/2024/04/18/a-turbo-pascal-compiler-running-on-a-web-browser/
Hey #retrocomputing folks. I'm looking for an emulated version of UCSD #Pascal IV.0 that's *not* the TI-99/4a. Trying to compile something from the USUS archives, and the TI is running out of stack. And since I will eventually be putting it back on the TI, I'll need whatever tools are required to extract files from the emulator's disk image (preferably something ridiculously simple).
#CTRAN 0.0.2 is out!
OK, I know no one is using this, but I'm going to shout about it anyway. For those who don't know, this is my rewrite of #Psion's proprietary OO C preprocessor. It takes class definition files and spits out "pure" C or TASM.
This release doesn't add much beyond a handful of bug fixes. However, it is significantly faster than 0.0.1 thanks to using more of #FreePascal's classes and generics.
@nixCraft Never used that newfangled stuff - I started using TP3 at @KIT_Karlsruhe (then still Universität Karlsruhe) in 1987 and changed (unenthusiatically) to #FORTRAN after TP5.
Still have the complete boxes with disks and books of TP3 and TP5 here somewhere.
#Pascal #TurboPascal #Retrocomputing
Love this! I first did recursion in #Apple #Pascal on my #Apple2e way back when. By the time I was in college and doing it in #Scheme (#LISP) it was easy! Recursion in #bash is fun too, and quite natural.
#RetroComputing https://oldbytes.space/@thelastpsion/113478192324060585
A (Turbo) #pascal #compiler in your browser: https://blog.adafruit.com/2024/04/18/a-turbo-pascal-compiler-running-on-a-web-browser/
Why Pascal Deserves a Second Look
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://timcoatesinsights.wordpress.com/2024/10/31/why-pascal-deserves-a-second-look/
Tridora: A Full-Custom CPU Designed For Pascal
— Hackaday
「 Sebastian Lederer has created Tridora: an unusual stack-based CPU core intended for FPGA deployment, co-developed with its own Pascal compiler. The 32-bit word machine is unusual in that it has not one but three stacks, 16-bit instruction words, and a limited ISA, more like those of the 8-bit world. No multiply or divide instructions will be found in this CPU 」
Hey! People who are more knowledgeable about NVidia/NVK; has anyone said anything about Pascal support? I see some talk about Maxwell, which is older, but most of the talk is about GPUs with GSP as I understand it. I have an old Pascal GPU in a computer, which I would like to be able to use with FOSS drivers, but I have no idea where to check for progress. Boosts are appreciated!
so I am using #FreePascal (with #Lazarus IDE) to make a little GUI app. Not knowing a ton about #Pascal I've been reading some wiki articles to better understand it... and this quote from the Memory Management page is absolutely the biggest brained take I've ever seen
Finally done with a series of blog posts about re-creating classical programming langauges in 50 lines of code each: https://github.com/zserge/tinylangs It was a great little weekend project that still took much longer than I expected #tinycode #programming #lisp #basic #apl #pascal #forth
If there are any kind #Pascal #FreePascal #ObjectPascal developers out there with some spare time, I'd really appreciate a code review of my recreation of CTRAN, the Psion SIBO C SDK OO preprocessor.
Feel free to pick it apart - I know that it can be improved. But please be as respectful as possible to this noob!
A (Turbo) #pascal #compiler in your browser: