If these areas are truly “protected,” why are #IndustrialFleets allowed to plunder them? It’s time to ban supertrawlers from MPAs and hold governments accountable.
images by #Greenpeace
If these areas are truly “protected,” why are #IndustrialFleets allowed to plunder them? It’s time to ban supertrawlers from MPAs and hold governments accountable.
images by #Greenpeace
Seit mehr als 420 Millionen Jahren haben Knorpelfische – Haie, Rochen und Seekatzen – die Ozeane durchstreift und dabei fünf Massenaussterben überlebt. Doch nun zeigen ein Bericht der IUCN und eine Studie ein erschreckendes Bild: Ein Drittel aller Haie, Rochen und Seekatzen weltweit ist vom Aussterben bedroht...
#MarineConservation #Haie #Sharks #Rochen #IUCN #OceanProtection #SaveTheOceans #Artenschutz #Overfishing
From Overfished to Sustainable Harvests: Pacific Bluefin #Tuna Rebound to New Highs
#NOAA: "The recovery of #PacificBluefinTuna has achieved a major milestone—the species exceeded international targets a decade ahead of schedule. The rebuilding of Pacific #BluefinTuna reflects a fisheries management success. International organizations cooperated across the Pacific to reverse decades of #overfishing for the species."
After a century away, #sturgeons return to Swedish waters https://phys.org/news/2024-06-century-sturgeons-swedish.html
"scientists in June embarked on a 10-year project to reintroduce the Atlantic #sturgeon to a cleaned-up river in the west of the country... The #fish lived in the river until the late 19th century, but gradually disappeared due to #overfishing and #pollution. Today, the river is much cleaner and conditions are again right for the sturgeon"
Last year, three gillnet fishing areas were closed by concerned Traditional Owners because of the impact of #gillnetting has on their food security and culturally significant animals, including sawfish.
The commercial fishery's loss of access to these coastal waters means gillnetting is now being concentrated near the mouths of the #Daly and #Roper rivers at levels not seen in up to 10 years.
Overfishing.org contained both an introduction to the issue of #overfishing, and #teaching resources. See attached some evergreens (low resolution, DM me for high res).
There's the "what, why, how" #infographic, #satellite imagery of #BottomTrawling in the Dutch #Waddensea #environment, and a poster with #trawling all around the world.
As I'm #sad to see the website go I've renewed the #domain for one more year and am happy to "donate" it to a good cause. Any interest: DM me.
For 21 years I've ran an informative #website on #overfishing.
As an "independent source" it was used by politicians, students, and many everyday people alike.
It was used for #publications & #documentaries, and triggered some inquires where I assisted in shaping national & international political statements. It's been fun & fulfilling
In today's siloed internet its usefulness is gone. No more days with 5.000 unique visitors & multiple email inquires.
Today is its last day online. 1/2
"A new study quantified nutrient availability from #seafood through time considering the twin impacts of #overfishing and #ClimateChange.
Focusing on four key nutrients important to human health — calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and protein — the authors argue that nutrient availability in seafood has been declining since 1990 and will further decline by around 30 per cent by 2100 in predominately tropical, low-income countries with 4 C of warming."
Why are dead and dying seabirds washing up on our beaches in their hundreds?
"Millions of short-tailed shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostis), commonly known as muttonbirds, return to southern Australia from the Arctic each spring – a round trip of up to 35,000km.Muttonbird wrecks have happened on rare occasions since time immemorial, but are becoming more common.The many ideas about what is causing wrecks range from storms and overfishing to plastic, blue-green algae and irradiated water from Fukushima."
"When muttonbird wrecks occur, the casualties are starving. These birds weigh only half their healthy body weight. The factors leading to this starvation start before they reach Australia."
#birds #seabirds #muttonbirds #wreck #NSW #MarineHeatwaves #migration #starvation #salmon #overfishing
#Japan will soon release #Fukushima #radioactive water into the #ocean. How worried should we be?
Some have cast doubt on the #IAEA’s findings, with China recently arguing that the group’s assessment “is not proof of the legality and legitimacy” of Fukushima’s wastewater release.
By Jessie Yeung, Mayumi Maruyama and Emiko Jozuka, July 5, 2023
"Robert H. Richmond, director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory at the University of #Hawaii at Manoa, is among a group of international scientists working with the #PacificIslandForum to assess the wastewater release plan – including visits to the Fukushima site, and meetings with TEPCO, Japanese authorities and the IAEA. After reviewing the details of the plan, Richmond called it 'ill-advised' and premature.
"One concern is that diluting the wastewater might not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life. #Pollutants like tritium can pass through various levels of the #FoodChain – including plants, animals, and bacteria – and be '#bioaccumulated,' meaning they will build up in the marine #ecosystem, he said.
"He added that the world’s oceans are already under stress from #ClimateChange, ocean #acidification, #overfishing and #pollution. The last thing it needs is to be treated like a 'dumping ground,' he said.
"And the potential risks won’t just affect the #AsiaPacific region. One 2012 study found evidence that bluefin #tuna had transported #radionuclides – radioactive isotopes like the ones in #nuclear #wastewater – from Fukushima across the Pacific to California."
Yesterday the Government announced it WILL allow destructive bottom trawling to continue in large areas of the #HaurakiGulf.
We know that #BottomTrawling is the worst kind of commercial #fishing, bulldozing the #seafloor and indiscriminately destroying ancient #coral and other #MarineLife.
#SaveOurSeas #ProtectOurWildlife #Fishing #Overfishing
“today fully one-third of the world's assessed fisheries are currently pushed beyond their biological limits”
Japan will soon release Fukushima radioactive water into the ocean. How worried should we be?
By Jessie Yeung, Mayumi Maruyama and Emiko Jozuka, CNN, July 6, 2023
"Robert H. Richmond, director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, is among a group of international scientists working with the Pacific Island Forum to assess the wastewater release plan – including visits to the #Fukushima site, and meetings with #TEPCO, Japanese authorities and the #IAEA. After reviewing the details of the plan, Richmond called it 'ill-advised' and premature.
"One concern is that diluting the wastewater might not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life. Pollutants like tritium can pass through various levels of the food chain – including plants, animals, and bacteria – and be 'bioaccumulated,' meaning they will build up in the marine ecosystem, he said.
"He added that the world’s oceans are already under stress from #ClimateChange, ocean #acidification, #overfishing and #pollution. The last thing it needs is to be treated like a 'dumping ground,' he said."
Starving penguins and shorebirds in distress
#Ocean #FossilFuels #Birds #Overfishing #penguins
#Overfishing linked to rapid #evolution of #codfish
A report by scientists offers the first #genomic evidence that #Atlantic #cod evolved new traits over only decades during a period of overfishing—evolutionary changes that scientists formerly believed could take millions of years. https://phys.org/news/2023-05-overfishing-linked-rapid-evolution-codfish.html
Dino Grandoni: Scientists made a frightening discovery when they measured #sharks worldwide: A massive new survey of nearly 400 reefs around the world found five key shark species are in serious decline.