I know crazy when I see ‘em...
Anime 'crazy' eyes are iconic
Anime source: Sasaki and Peeps / Sasaki to Pii-chan
Episode 1
Character: Otonari
A Japanese woman wrote to a forum with a burning problem: she'd just found out that her boyfriend was...an otaku. Should I dump him? she asked. The consensus answer: it's probably fine - but if he does otaku dances or owns an itasha, you best run.
I'm not staring...
Okay, maybe just a little...
Anime Source: Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Episode 11
Characters: Kirishima Miyama, Yoshino Somei, and Shouma Toriashi
#YakuzaFiance #RaiseWaTaninGaIi #来世は他人がいい" #AnimeAbs #AnimeCharacters #KirishimaMiyama #YoshinoSomei #ShoumaToriashi #YakuzaFianceRaiseWaTaninGaIi #animeScreenCap #AnimeScreenshot #anime #AnimeOtaku #Otaku
Day 5 of Anime March Madness!
Yesterday’s anime pick was meant to be chosen by the random generator, but honestly? I just wasn’t in the mood for what it landed on. Between work and the gloomy weather, a movie day felt like the better choice, so I pulled from my backup list and went with My Oni Girl!
Did you watch anything yesterday?
Day 4 of Anime March Madness!
Once again, I let fate decide my anime for today, and the random generator chose this BL, Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
I actually started this one while it was airing but got distracted around Epi 8, so I’m looking forward to finally finishing it! I remember loving the sweet and awkward moments, so I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up.
Anime March Madness Day 3!
Today’s anime pick was completely left to fate! Since I wasn’t sure what I’d be in the mood for, I let a random number generator decide—and it landed on Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
This one has been sitting on my on-hold list since the seasonal release, so it felt like the perfect time to finally watch it.
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Review: Blade & Bastard Band 1 macht echt Spaß
Für mich eine neue Serie und für viele wahrscheinlich auch, was uns Altraverse seit dem September 2024 auf den Markt bringt. Ursprünglich ist ein Light Novel Ende 2022 erschienen. Im Jahr 2023 ist dann auch diese Serie in den Druck gegangen. Sollten meine Informationen stimmen, so sind bis jetzt vier Bände erschienen und bisher nicht abgeschlossen. Band 5 ist in Japan für März 2025 […]
Hier geht es direkt zum Beitrag:
and this is how I hop from anime to anime - the original plan was Black Clover after Fruits Basket this evening... nevermind