Canada should cancel the F-35 deal. #trump I has shown that US cannot be trusted and could shut off our weapons!

Canada should cancel the F-35 deal. #trump I has shown that US cannot be trusted and could shut off our weapons!
The US Secretary of State, speaking from Canadian soil, says annexation of Canada is “a disagreement” between our two governments.
Go fuck yourself Marco
@Lana And you should see the shelves in Canada right now. The LCBO (provincial liquor store) has been completely reconfigured so that there's no American product anywhere. It's like the USA doesn't market any alcohol.
Grocery stores have full shelves of American products and produce that no one's touching, and anything Canadian or European is selling like crazy. It's an unreal retail experience. Unreal. #Never51 #ElbowsUp
@Dianora @caitp @alexadeswift @grayface_ghost @sarahdal @chris
The Republicans better think long and hard. Canada will burn it all down if we have to.
“… a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States.“
#canada #usa #canpoli #canpol #uspoli #uspol #tariffs #history #buycanadian #resisttrump #never51 #elbowsup
From Canadian History Ehx on FB
In 1890, the Tariff Act came into place in the United States. It placed tariffs on imports of up to 50%.
While touted as a way to build American industry, there was also the hope it would force an annexation of Canada. It backfired. Let's learn more.
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@darrenmorin best travel advice - stay out of the US. Keep your dollars home or in another country. Do not stop in the US!
For any USA citizens who haven’t figured it out yet!
#Canada should absolutely NOT be purchasing military hardware from a hostile power.
Cancel the #F35 contract now!
Petition to stop Trump from entering Canada!
#Petition #canada #never51