It took a few days but internet sleuths were able to identify the man in the video...
IG: @thatdaneshguy
It took a few days but internet sleuths were able to identify the man in the video...
IG: @thatdaneshguy
When the crowd of protesters accused the Tesla customer of supporting a Nazi and possibly being one, the man replied "Yeah!" and did the deed.
The man goes on to explain the reason he is buying a Tesla is specifically due to the anti-fasicst protests and to support Musk.
Original footage of the encounter was uploaded to YouTube.
During last weekend's Tesla Takedown protests, a Tesla customer was seen exiting a Kansas Tesla dealership to do multiple Nazi salutes in front of a cybertruck.
The Nazicar loving Nazi then tried to get protesting soccer moms with their kids to fight him while claiming to be a former US military service member.
Eventually a woman, presumably his wife, was seen dragging the hate filled Tesla customer back into the dealership.
On the heels of all this bad news rumours are swirling that Tesla investors and insiders are offloading shares.
Prompting Musk to hold an all hands begging Tesla employees to stop selling shares of the company:
“If you read the news, it feels like Armageddon. I can’t walk past a TV without seeing a Tesla on fire,” he said. “I understand if you don’t want to buy our product, but you don’t have to burn it down. That’s a bit unreasonable.”
The hits keep coming, yesterday it was reported that Tesla trade ins have increased 300%+ since this time last year. With the majority of that change occurring in the last few months since Elon Musk became the poster child of US far right politics.
This excellent youtube video by a critical cybertruck owner goes over every major body panel which is glued on.
It's clearly possible to rip off some of these panels by hand.
Kinda surprised they haven't started walking off the trucks given how easy some of them come off.
Most panels appear to be easily pealed off part of the way.
The panel thats giving the most trouble is a 8ft long piece of trim that runs along the top edge of the vehicle. Its ONLY attached with glue.
Viral videos for the past yr have been coming out with a massive rash of them throughout the winter months.
Multiple reports indicate this has happened to folks during rush hour, launching a heavy metal plate into traffic.
Reports this morning out of Kansas indicate two Cybertrucks also caught fire. Late monday night a Tesla in a dealership lot was seen on fire. The fire consumed the first truck and spread to a second before 1st responders could get there. They were out fighting the fire well into Tuesday morning.
Oooooooh nooooooo another lot of Tesla vehicles began spontaneously combusting, this time in Las Vegas.
What a tragedy, anyways what's everyone having for lunch?
"...a protester at the Burbank Tesla on Sunday, attended just two days after trading in her Tesla for a Cadillac. She had slapped a bumper sticker on her old vehicle that read "Bought This Car Before We Knew" in a veiled reference to Musk, but she felt that wasn't enough.
"It was embarrassing," she said of driving the Tesla. "It wasn't what I stood for. How could I drive that car? I have principles."...
Here's some terrible vandals well ahead of the curve. June 2024
"Tesla Cybertruck fleet mass vandalized with “F**k Elon” graffiti"