Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
A lucky day handmade watercolor painting: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/a-lucky-day-karen-kaspar.html
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
A lucky day handmade watercolor painting: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/a-lucky-day-karen-kaspar.html
Cluck of the Irish to you, on this fine Monday morning.
#luck : an event, good or ill, affecting one's interests or happiness, and which is deemed casual
- French: chance
- German: das Glück
- Italian: fortuna
- Portuguese: sorte
- Spanish: suerte
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
So, this is a thing that happened today. Something like 90,000 raffle tickets sold and they picked one of mine.
I'm still in shock! This never happens! Thanks @protonprivacy
Ich wünsche euch einen glücklichen Tag!
Ein Glückstag - handgemaltes Aquarell
--> https://www.artheroes.de/de/motiv/Ein-Glueckstag-Aquarellgemaelde/1166198/132
Have a happy day!
A lucky day handmade watercolor painting: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/a-lucky-day-karen-kaspar.html
Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #Tipton #HiddenLakeGardens MI USA
11/2024 - Title:
"Anastasia waits for good luck to
fall into her lap.
"Anastasia wartet darauf, dass ihr
das Glück in den Schoß fällt."
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #3DArt #Optimism #Luck #GoodMorning !
293/365 "Luck?" #dailyphoto
I've seen a few 4-leafs in my time, but this might be the first 3.5-leaf, I'm not sure if that counts for luck or not?
Make a wish and blow, dandelion seed head.
ART -https://deborahleaguefineart.etsy.com/listing/1093626176/dandelion-seed-head-art-print
Find a penny, Pick it up, All the day, You’ll have good luck - Unknown. My daughter and I pick up pennies that are face up. For face down, we turn them over and leave to pay the luck forward.
ART -https://deborahleaguefineart.etsy.com/listing/1319455624/lucky-penny-art-print
Is accidentally stumbling across the unknown a key part of science? - Enlarge / The First Combat of Gav and Talhand', Folio from a Shahnama (... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=2047035 #natureofscience #serendipity #discovery #science #luck
#MAFS #UK’s #EllaMorgan has a #wholesome #reaction to her #Celebs #GoDating #date #accepting that she’s #trans.
It’s fair to say that Morgan hasn’t had the most #luck with #relationships in the past.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #Entertainment #TV #Representation #Culture
What's on your mind?
Dear Friends with everything and Nothing on their Minds.
I have just been eating a #vegan breakfast. Though it is possible that pork sausages are not strictly or even remotely vegan.
Failure IS an option if you are not a #racket #scientist or brainless #surgeon.
Today I will be:
1. failing at putting our the #garbage #collection
2. feeding the #lizard #brained eg. Billionaires 'R' US
3. #researching the #origins of indecision
Hopefully you will have more #fun and useful #projects. Good #luck and #Good day... and Good #Knight.
#goodnews #inspiring #history #luck #shopping #WashingtonDC #Mexico
Woman Discovers Thrift Store Vase She Bought for $4 is Made by Ancient Mayans and Volunteers to Give it Back
Not only is it #NationalIndigenousHistoryMonth & #PrideMonth but on the 24th of June we celebrate #Fortuna the #Goddess of #fortune & #luck
#Blessings to you
Молния на другом берегу реки вызвала скачок напряжения на этом. Он в свою очередь вызвал срабатывание защитного реле у меня. Сделал он это именно сейчас, когда мой ИБП в сервисе.
И да, ровно в этот момент у меня шло обновление системы и половина пакетов Qt осталась одной версии когда другая половина обновлена, из-за чего SDDM и Plasma не стартуют.
Весёлые совпадения