#Headlines "NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission just found DNA building blocks on asteroid Bennu."
14 amino acids
All 5 DNA nucleobases
Signs of ancient brine water
Life’s ingredients were in space before Earth even existed. - @AstroKirsten
[So is it possible they found the remains of brine shrimp or sea-monkeys?]
I'll admit my initial scanning of this headline had me going "Donald Duck is part of the debates now?"
#Scanning #Headlines #politics
#Ohio #Restaurateur who #boycotted “anti-#Christian” #Olympics #arrested for #rape, #kidnapping & #attemptedmurder
#BobbyGeorge made #headlines after calling the #OpeningCeremony "#insulting" to #Christians. Now he's #accused of brutally #assaulting a young #woman.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Misogyny #SexualAssault #Rape #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
#Antigay, #GOP #candidate #ValentinaGomez #humiliated in her #primary, coming in 6th.
Gomez’s stunning defeat is noteworthy because she made #national #headlines with her #virulently #antiqueer #campaign.
"Why are teens anxious?" read the headlines? I don't know, why the fuck aren't you as we head towards the precipice of civilization destroying climate disasters?
How dare #Tories try to #distance themselves from #SuellaBraverman’s #antiLGBTQ+ #agenda now
The Former #homesecretary and #TERF propelled herself back into the #headlines this week after once again #raving #madly about #Pride #flags, #trans #youth's #healthcare and other things that she appears to know nothing about.
She is a “#cackhanded” #outlier who “#misjudged” how viable #open #hostility to #minorities might be in a future #Tory #leadership #campaign.
Being a #doctor became an “#expressway” for #transgender #women, like me, to be #accepted.
Meet Dr. #NonneySireerattawong, who made #headlines over 10 years ago for being a #transgender #doctor #competing in #MissTiffanyUniverse 2011, breaking #outdated #stereotypes that #transgender #women could only be #entertainers or #models.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Thailand #Bangkok #RoleModels #Representation #Culture
#ZooeyZephyr Wants to Do Right by #Montana.
In 2023, the first-term #StateRep. became a #householdname when she was #censured for #fighting a #genderaffirmingcare #ban for #Trans #children. Zephyr tells #TeenVogue who she is behind the #headlines.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Montana #Politics #Representation #Culture
Today's example of "What a difference a headline makes"
Story comes out yesterday in local NC news with this headline & actual motivation is buried in the 2nd paragraph.
"NC Senate votes to ban people from wearing masks in public for health reasons"
The AP released the story with a more accurate headline. Which one do you think most North Carolinians read or heard?
"North Carolina bill to curb mask-wearing in protests could make it illegal for medical reasons too"
My more accurate headline would be "Fascism rising in NC"
Do we still have anyone following @redstateinsurgents?
More discussion with friends here: https://mastodon.social/@courtcan/112450978409279210
Negativity drives online #news consumption
Dataset comprises ~105,000 different variations of stories from Upworthy.com with ∼5.7M clicks across more than 370M impressions. Although positive words were slightly more prevalent than negative words, we found negative words in news #headlines increased consumption rates (positive words decreased consumption rates). For headline of average length, each additional negative word increased click-through rate by 2.3%.
Hard hitting Washington Post headline today, LOL.
Spoiler: "Is it true that drinking soy milk can cause men’s breasts to enlarge?
The idea is all over social media, but the answer is almost certainly no."
"Fox News Mocked After Claiming Libraries Have Turned Into 'Drug-Infested Sex Dens'"
FLASHBACK TIME: When I was in sixth grade, I had a major crush on a librarian. Whoa!
[Sometimes I think Faux News just recycles their old fantasies to come up with their #headlines ]
"More Than Just Climate Change" ?!?! #climate #headlines
"Why Biden's decision to lean on Obama could go terribly wrong"
CNN's S.E. Cupp showing big New York Times energy.
Fun fact: there is a risk of strokes, clots and heart failure if you contract #covid
#headlines we won’t see.
Headline writing is an art, and it's hard.
But still. We know there were vast networks of trade and relationship between Indigenous people throughout the West. "People" didn't think California was an island. White people did. And using "people" to mean "white people" is a mistake we shouldn't be making in 2024.
These are the #best and #worst #states for #queer #rights
23 states with #gerrymandered #Republian #Majorities scored the lowest, many of which made #headlines over the last year for #legislative #attacks on the #LGBTQ+ #community
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate