Vampire Survivors - Space Dude Gameplay
After the developers have released the first six minutes of gameplay footage, I decided to dissect it as best as I can.
Here's my analysis, enjoy:
Weekend time means Seed of Life time!
Currently still working on the dungeon, so let Hope show you around
9 new beatsaber videos uploaded to my channel https://youtube.com/@raspberrykitty1
When #SonicUnleashed was first found out about, it was actually from a leak of a trailer they were working on. That first leaked #Sonic trailer showed a level called Mazuri and had the song playing, which sounds quite a bit like a remix of Bridge Zone from the #GameGear #Game, which is thought to have inspired #JanetJackson "Everywhere I go". This is the full version of that trailer. This was the very first look ever at the #Boost #gameplay.
#comic1375 Once Upon a Time in Diazo Epi 57 on March 05 Wednesday 2025
Got a early version of the projectile enemy working and testing it out now in a level
#gamedev #indiegame
#coding #dev #indiedev #unreal #madewithunreal #gaming #videogames #gameplay #3d #blender3d #UnreaEngine5 #animation #shader #nature #coding
Seed of Life is getting love too, of course!
Added a couple of brand-new models for this puzzle
If you smack into the hanging lamps, you get a headache...
#comic1375 Once Upon a Time in Diazo Epi 39 on February 14 Friday 2025
Turbo Girl is chosen to defeat the evil Elders who have wreaked havoc on the space colonies.
New #Video #Shortplay of #Dinamic #TurboGirl for #Spectrum
#RetroDanuart #Youtube #Longplay soon at https://www.youtube.com/@RetroDanuart
Also wie ihr sicher mitbekommen habt zocke ich ja derzeit vermehrt #EuroTruckSimulator2 und bin ganz angetan. Ich hielt das #Gameplay immer für sehr eintönig und auch irgendwie lahm, doch durch eine Challenge der Community wurde ich quasi in mein Glück gezwungen.
Ich weiß nicht was mich so fesselt aber dieses entspannte abarbeiten von Routen, das ausbauen meines Betriebs. Die Erfahrung im Linksverkehr zu fahren? Ich kann den Finger nicht drauf legen aber ich liebe es
Demo gibts auf Steam