in Chrome 135 - Tomorrow Mar 26, 2025
customize all the parts of a `<select>` with #CSS!
in Chrome 135 - Tomorrow Mar 26, 2025
customize all the parts of a `<select>` with #CSS!
Can we get CSS 'logical shorthands' unstuck?
The WG recently added a `size` shorthand for width & height. People asked about inline-size & block-size as well. But that issue has stalled.
With a little funding, we could make it happen! #CSS
Making a browser extensions has fueled a hate incomparable to any other to CORS. What do you mean I can't call CSS Rules on the stylesheet you are currently using on your website that I am currently using the styles of?
#CSS wizards: I need your help. I want to make a scroll indicator bar for my blog which show how much of the article is left to read, and I want to do so without without Javascript, like here:
The problem with that trick linked above is that the progress bar is rendered behind the text and images of the post content. Do you know of any tricks to help bring the progress bar into the foreground while keeping the rest working as intended?
Die c’t <webdev> sucht Vorträge und Workshops
Die c’t <webdev> 2025 startet ihren Call for Participation. Die Konferenz rund um Frontend-Entwicklung findet im November statt - wieder auf Englisch.
#tinyCSStip Simplifying animations with variables and mathematical functions.
Same result, just not writing almost the same `text-shadow` a bunch of times in a bunch of keyframes.
Live test on @codepen https://codepen.io/thebabydino/pen/MYWXgdZ
#CSS #Maths #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment
#cssMaths #trigonometry
I pushed that CSS hologram effect experiment a bit more, now with 7 new images + gradients.
The effect doesn't work on iOS Safari (It doesn't play nice with background-position: fixed;) so I've attached a video too.
CodePen: https://codepen.io/HejChristian/full/YPzLbYX/4403478dc2c73307336a426ee5e3cc38
Revert animated parent transform (like a scale or skew) on child without an extra animation using registered custom properties.
#cssWish That we could have a zero count for the number of columns in `repeat()`.
That repeat count is often computed. Let's say I want double the width for selected column k out of n columns:
repeat(var(--k), var(--w))
repeat(calc(var(--n) - var(--k) - 1), var(--w))
New #CSS featues should make our lives easier, right?
Except for when they're buggy. Just hit (and filed) a Chrome bug https://issues.chromium.org/issues/405676714
Do you use #CSS grid? Ever wanted to have separators in between grid areas?
Have you resorted to weird background gradient, box-shadow & more hackarounds to solve this?
Then check out this gap decorations proposal https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2025/03/19/minding-the-gaps-a-new-way-to-draw-separators-in-css/
DON'T use layered text-shadows for text outlines just because text-stroke is broken (https://mastodon.social/@anatudor/112410224855133935), they are going to produce ugly corners, thickened roundings and angled lines.
DO: use `paint-order: stroke fill` instead!
Minding the gaps: A new way to draw separators in CSS
Link: https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2025/03/19/minding-the-gaps-a-new-way-to-draw-separators-in-css/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43420683
Because somebody asked for suggestions for better readability for white text on top of an image you can't know in advance how dark is going to be, here is my very long answer (had to split it into two because it wouldn't post otherwise) https://www.reddit.com/r/css/comments/1jf36qv/comment/mirfu4g/
I think a lot about this video I stumbled across a couple years back from CodingNepal. It's less than 10 minutes, has no dialogue (just music), and it clearly and plainly visually shows all the steps this person goes through as they create a decent looking web page piece by piece from just HTML and CSS. Epically good.
Cybercriminals Exploit #CSS to Evade #Spam Filters and Track #Email Users' Actions