It is called, Peanut house.
All my artworks can be found and downloaded for free at :
As this is a #freeculture project
#art #drawing #creativecommons #cc #katharsisdrill #mywork #krita
Periodic update:
- graduated from my studio engineering program
- minor medical things
- more background on the song we released CC-BY-SA this week
Probably TMI but here's a draft flowchart of what goes through my brain when I'm considering whether to boost an image. Not included but of course important: (1) Is image made by a human? (2) Is there something in the body of the text that's mildly interesting? (3) Is account an actual person active on the platform? (4) Are number of hashtags in Goldilocks zone? #boosts #AltText #copyright #photography #accessibility #boosting #CreativeCommons
I need a pleasant #CreativeCommons or #PublicDomain image that evokes nostalgia for home. Anybody have favorites?
This is for cover art to go with our CC-licensed arrangement and recording of a 1923 pop ballad called "Home (When Shadows Fall)".
@stefan (John Heartfield's cat)
I've got it and glad to see it hosted so many other places.
TIL: That Joseph Campbell is trash, universal myths aren't going to save us but maybe folklore can.
What's your favorite folk lore or public domain story that talks shit about rich people and/or monarchs?
Good 2010 #creativeCommons #wonky release from Québec: https://errorbroadcast.bandcamp.com/album/cailloux-germ-s
I've finished writing v1 of my "Intro to Game Development for Teens" for the camp I'm teaching this week.
The instructions are available for free and after this week I will also be writing a free teacher's guide if anyone else wants to go over this with their class or kids or whatever else.
(It's "for teens" because you need knowledge of the x, y coordinate plane and the guide covers the distance formula.)
Skrevet af @katharsisdrill
Imens der arbejdes på en hjemmeside og folk melder sig ind på @jeppe s nye Friendica server, har jeg lavet logo.
Der var en der skrev at kronen fik det til at se ud som om vi støttede de danske monarki, og det ligner da også Christian d. 5. krone en del.
Jeg tog det med fordi jeg synes at det lignede lidt en øletikette - så mest for sjov og fordi jeg tænkte på Claus Deleruran, og hans sjove ideer om Danmark. Der er en Thorshammer på toppen så det danske kongehus er det ikke. Desuden et hjerte fra rigsvåbnet og Saurons onde øje. Så burde der være fuld plade på symbolikken .
Det bliver alt sammen lagt ud som #creativecommons . Det er ikke meningen at det skal være sådan noget corporate branding. Alle må bruge det, lave det om og gøre hvad de vil.
Hvis der er nogen der allerede nu gerne vil have en svg-fil så sig til.
@molly0xfff on AI vs. scraping vs. copyright protection vs. openness. Very thoughtful (as usual) and worth reading.
Also included, this gem (together with other thoughts about sustainable business models):
«Many AI “visionaries” seem perfectly content to promise that artificial superintelligence is just around the corner, but claim that attribution is somehow a permanently unsolvable problem.»
#AI #GenAI #LLM #CreativeCommons #Sharing
Looking 4 a strange sonic experience? Check out…
RADIO IRRTUM! (on air from Berlin)
↓↓↓ Deutsch Version below unten ↓↓↓
Da next issue of #RadioIrrtum! is approaching: This Saturday, 2025/03/15, 8:00pm UTC+1/Berlin time. At Alex Berlin FM at 91MHz or DAB+ K7D around #Berlin and worldwide at https://www.alex-berlin.de/radio-livestream .
#Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastness of the #underground. Emitted transmissions may raise your attention for new unheard #music all over this planets genre spectrum. Don't worry about the German language aspect - 'cuz it's all about the #music!
This time with focus on sad pop music and strange experimental sonic somethings, specifically:
- #Pop music from war zones
- South American #electroPop
- #SmoothJazz
- Cut-up club-worthy remixes of #remix.es
- Trauma-technological #club punk
- Laibach-style #EBM
- Truly experimental #junkElectronica
- well, #experimentalMusic in general
- #EggPunk for cats
- Heavy #shoegaze
- Spoken word #doomShanties
- Dreamy #EbassRomance
There is #CreativeCommons licensed music, and also I thought of having at least one (amazing!) Fediverse artist in here. But turns out, the London music legend Scanner is no more part of the #Fediverse, as his instance mastodonmusic.social closed down (a reasonable decision by the admin, no hard feelings). But this is something, we, the #FediverseAdmins should keep in mind: People (especially technical non skilled ones) once lost will be disappointed and unmotivated to come back :( . This is something very deep level in #ActivityPub, I am very aware - I hope there is a way to somehow address this in the future. Scanner wrote me, he is on Bluesky now, so with a bridge, you might still be able to follow hin there (look for "robinrimbaud") – and please don't hassle him about it, he has his hands full and SN's aren't his top priority 4 now.
Anyway: If at least a bit interested in kewl new unusual #music, tune in!
I'll post playlist + manuscript later here (provided I’m home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions? I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
CU all on Saturday! :)
↑↑↑ English version above, the Deutsche welche jetzt ↓↓↓
Radio Irrtum! kommt näher → Samstag, 15.03, 20:00 isses soweit auf Alex Berlin (FM 91MHz/DAB+ K.7D / Stream URL oben).
Also die seltsam funke(ln)de Radiosendung, in der planetenumfassende Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforscht werden
Diesmal mit…
- Pop aus Kriegsgebieten
- südamerikanischen Electropop
- smoothy Jazz
- cut up club
- trauma-techno Club Punk
- Laibach-Style EBM
- Junk-Elektronika
- experimentelle Musik
- Eggpunk für Katzen
- Shoegaze
- poetic Doom Shanties
- Ebass-Romantik
Das wird alles GROßARTiG! Details in englisch oben, Playlist + Manuskript nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens Sonntag)!
Bis zur Sendung… vielleicht? :)
The concept of "intellectual property" is the most silver-spoon-up-your-ass prep-school-rich-kid because-I-said-so authoritarian arbitrary-power-tripping bonkers banana pants bull shit I have ever fucking heard.
New episode of my #ccmusic podcast is out. This time with 32,18% more Metal. Do I need to say more?
Please consider supporting my translation work. It's free (libre), released under a cc-by 4.0 license, and can help reduce radicalization, because while Christian Nationalists don't listen to reason, they do (supposedly) read the Bible. A properly translated Bible is much more difficult to weaponize, which is why they tend to cluster around the ESV and CSB.
Even so, all translations currently being published have the stated goal of aligning the Bible to certain dogmas.
I fully intend to let the Bible speak for itself, without censorship. I have always held that, "where the Bible speaks, we speak, where it is silent, we are silent;" add to that, where it is vague, weird, or even self-contradicting.
The NSG Visual Assets pack has been updated to include the graphics used on our official #Netrunner tokens. Download them at the link below!
They are licensed under the #CreativeCommons CC BY-ND 4.0 License and free to use in your own projects or products!
It will be available as:
• a physical release (probably through a print-on-demand provider),
• a #CreativeCommons free Print & Play setup — just cut and sleeve and play,
• and online play mods for many commonly used shared online tabletops.
WITCHES’ REVEL is an extensible card game of small witches with big personalities, fighting over petty grudges with the most devastating spells, before settling for bragging rights over tea.
ETERNAL RHAPSODY is a 2-player box containing all cards in the game, in the form of two preconstructed decks. Embody explosive Celosia or unquiet Nymphaea to see who is the best among the two most passionate of witches!
At this point, I think I can say with some assuredness that one or both of these will be out, by me & great artists, under the SIGIL GREENHOUSE imprint, before the end of the summer.
Aunque algunos no lo crean, hay un montón de música que forma parte del movimiento de la #CulturaLibre como este tema de deephouse que os dejamos aquí.
En #LibreCan2025 hablaremos también de cultura libre y, como no, sobre qué es y cómo aplicar las licencias #CreativeCommons a nuestros proyectos artísticos. Queremos que los #artistas #canarios conozcan que otras opciones tienen aparte de "lo que se ha hecho toda la vida".