It’s been a rough week. We could all use a little contracts-adjacent frivolity. Today, we bring you the continuing sage of one man’s attempt to recover $800 million in bitcoin from a Welsh garbage dump.
It’s been a rough week. We could all use a little contracts-adjacent frivolity. Today, we bring you the continuing sage of one man’s attempt to recover $800 million in bitcoin from a Welsh garbage dump.
Got a contract that explicitly states a £1 consideration, I assume that unless that payment is actually made then it isn't valid.
This is an additional contract to which work has been done under (and paid for), so this needs to be an explicit extra £1?
A federal judge in Maryland on Friday temporarily blocked key portions of #Trump’s executive orders targeting #diversity, #equity & #inclusion (#DEI) initiatives in the federal #government & #corporate America.
US District Judge Adam B. Abelson granted a preliminary #injunction, blocking portions of #Trump’s orders to cancel federal #contracts concerning DEI & make government contractors certify that they do not engage in DEI practices that violate anti-#discrimination laws.
‘Farmers and small business owners throughout #Appalachia and #rural America are struggling to stay afloat,” said Chelsea Barnes, director of government affairs and strategy at Appalachian Voices, a nonprofit focused on sustainability. For people who have been awarded REAP funding and made purchases but haven't been reimbursed, "that will cause significant financial harm.”
REAP originated with the 2002 Farm Bill’
#ag #farmers #usda #contracts #tusk #dogees
#usda #ag #farmers #contracts #nebraska #missouri #kansas #usaid
“There are 444 counties in the United States classified by the United States Department of Agriculture (is that still around?) as “farming-dependent,” which is defined as counties where either 25% of its earnings come from agriculture, or 16% of the workforce works in farming.
Donald Trump won 433 of those counties, with an average vote of 77.7%. Over 100 of them gave Trump 80% or more of their vote.”
The NLRB has concluded that it cannot force religious universities to recognize unions, and Marquette refuses to do so. But how can Marquette have a religious objection to unions when other Catholic universities voluntarily permit them?
#law #contracts #unions #labor #NLRB #religion #universities #FreeExercise
Corrupt #houseofcards exposed like others before it
Billionaire Gautam #Adani of #India's #AdaniGroup #charged in US with #bribery, fraud
"Adani & 7 other defendants, incl'g his nephew, agreed to pay ~$265mil in bribes to Indian #government #officials to obtain #solarenergy supply #contracts exp'd to yield $2bil profit over 20yrs.. the Adanis & another executive at Adani Green #Energy raised >$3bil in loans & bonds by concealing the #corruption fr lenders"
…#Deloitte probably would have a strong #legal case against efforts to revoke its federal #contracts because of Gallagher’s action, said Jessica Tillipman, associate dean for #government procurement #law studies at the George Washington Law School. Under govt procurement rules, only certain kinds of misconduct — such as fraud or tax evasion — can lead to a firm being barred from federal contracts, she said.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Kedric Payne, senior director of #ethics at the nonpartisan Campaign #Legal Center & fmr deputy chief #counsel in the Office of Congressional Ethics, adding that the goal was probably to pressure #Deloitte into firing the worker. “You can’t imagine that if one employee out of thousands made a statement that offended an official, that then the #government #contracts would be in jeopardy.”
10. You can actually do these publishing, mastering, marketing things yourself. Frustrating and slow, of course. But rewarding as well. It is valuable to have contact with the people who buy your fonts. It is motivating to see your fonts be useful somewhere. Or not as the case may be. Painful, but a useful experience. #contracts
9. Publishing is hard. Marketing is hard. Making nice specimens is hard. Building a good website is incredibly hard. All of it takes time and attention and comes with stress and frustration. You can do these things yourself, but you don't have to. Some publishers are really really good at this and it can be amazing to be part of such a team. They can take your work further than you thought possible. Still, all the points above hold. And then you need #contracts
8. Be very very careful with additions made to your fonts by the publisher. While it may be nice to have a script extension, it can be done as work for hire, paid for by the publisher. And then your typeface has mixed IP, the publisher itself is a party and it may be more difficult or impossible to leave. Consider contracting the extensions yourself. Of course this is very different in work for clients, only talking about when you license your designs to a distributor. #contracts.
7. At some point in the future it may be necessary to change or add things. Maybe there are new versions of the fonts. Maybe there are new platforms or formats. Read such proposed amendments with the same care as you read the initial contract. Ask the same dumb questions. If the deadlines change, put those in your calendar. If you don't like the amendment, don't sign. What are they going to do? The old agreement will continue and being a grumpy bastard may make them accomodate you. #contracts
6. Still here? Remember rule 1? Also: every contract needs to describe how it can or will end. Read and repeat until you understand exactly how the contract proposes this works. Put the various termination deadlines in your calendar. Even if they are years in the future. Especially if they're years in the future! If the contract makes termination difficult, ask yourself why, because they might have trust issues. #contracts
5. Always be aware that the people you sign with might not be the same people you will deal with later. Companies change. Friendships change. People change. I don't mean that your friends are not nice, but the things you agree on in a contract can last for many many years. #contracts
4. Insist on a clause that will let you dissolve the contract if and when the publisher decides to sell the shop. They don't have to disclose the buyer, but it has to be your decision to stay or leave. If they do not want such a clause, ask yourself why. #contracts
3. Understand there are no standard contracts. You can question and change any article. Ask the dumb questions like "what does this mean" and if you don't like their answer, say so. Do not be afraid to walk away from a contract you don't understand, don't like or can't change. #contracts
2. Look into registering a trademark for the fontname yourself. Familiarise yourself with the various search engines. You don't need a lawyer to do this. The EUIPO makes registration very easy. Trademarks that you own can not be abused by a publisher and you never have to buy anything back. #contracts
1. Never ever, ever, ever sign over your intellectual property to a publisher for a normal distribution agreement. Some clients may want the IP, and you can negotiate and make them pay, but distribution is not that deal. #contracts
Let's do a series of educational posts for the young colleagues. But rather than highlight how easy it is to draw (I love drawing, but it is never easy), let's talk about what to look out for when someone offers to publish your fonts. #contracts