#Cloudflare now blocks all unencrypted traffic to its API endpoints
#Cloudflare now blocks all unencrypted traffic to its API endpoints
I’ve been struggling with this with one RSS feed while making @notibotPR. It’s a thing apparently.
Here's hoping the scrapers will just slop it up!
Cloudflare turns AI against itself with endless maze of irrelevant facts
I'm just thinking...
In principle, #Cloudflare could make a lot of money by discreetly selling bypass tokens for their anti-scraping protection to AI corps.
I was having a look at how to offer a CNAME record on the apex (root) of a domain. On #cloudflare that's supported through their CNAME flattening, but I'm wondering how it actually works.
I'm seeing a HTTPS record being created, but the values are rather opaque to me. Not entirely sure how to recreate this at another #dns provider.
@kubikpixel except #CloudFlare is #poison to the #Internet, as their business model is a #RackerteeringScheme against their own #clients, as they proudly host #CyberCrime and #Terrorism!
Cloudflare turns AI against itself with endless maze of irrelevant facts - On Wednesday, web infrastructure provider Cloudflare announced a new featu... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/cloudflare-turns-ai-against-itself-with-endless-maze-of-irrelevant-facts/ #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aisecurity #cloudflare #biz #ai
The game does not start now but this new player is there:
»Cloudflare builds an AI to make life hell for other AIs.
Slop-making machine will feed unauthorized scrapers what they so richly deserve, hopefully without poisoning the internet«
@Viss Eeyupp.
If I did shite like this, I can be glad If I end up in a room questioned by #BKA & @bsi and given the offer to call a lawyer...
@cR0w @troyhunt @dangoodin @benjojo @Viss @matthew_d_green
Seriously, #ClownFlare are at best a #ValueRemoving #MITM and more often than not a #RogueISP who's business model is a #RacketeeringScheme that should not exist to begin with.
Hackers know half of passwords entered online, #Cloudflare finds
@kajer #CloudFlare is a #RogueISP and their "business" is at best #ValueRemoving #rentseeking but mire iften than not just a digital #RacketeeringScheme!
@Viss #CloudFlare is a #RogueISP known to offer Services in #Russia and to #CyberCriminals...
#ClownFlare is also a #ValueRemoving #rentseeker who's core product / service is essentially a #Racketeering Scheme and should not exist as any competent hoster offers #DDoS protection free of charge...
#Cloudflare admit they steal visitors' passwords on websites “protected” by Cloudflare – but, don't worry, “for science”
QT @0xF21D
Recently I boosted a couple of links about cloudflare doing some sort of password re-use analysis on passwords they saw through their WAF. This was not a technical post. It was a call to attention. Some of the responses I got suggested that my post was misleading or blowing this way out of proportion. I assure you that neither of these are true.
Don't focus so much on the idea that #cloudflare has access to passwords that come through their systems. In better times I'd welcome such an effort. At least they didn't chastize someone who really loved a silly movie, like Netflix did long ago. Instead, focus on the fact that they are a company based in the United States meaning they are subject to the whim of a fascist regime that is proving it doesn't care about the letter of the law.
I'm not concerned about my password security for the sites that transit their service. I am a cishet middle class white male. I'm pretty low on the target list.
*** I AM concerned about the password security for at risk populations who access sites crucial for them, that transit through cloudflare. I'm concerned about the LGBTQIA+ population in the United States. I'm concerned about pregnant women. I'm concerned about Jews, and Muslims, and Bhuddists, and everyone else who doesn't fit into the narrow worldview of the fascist reich that is the republican party and their bootlickers. The FBI, Justice Department, State Department, etc no longer serve the american people. They serve an emperor. This is a time of great danger any website or service that attracts at risk populations should seriously consider if using some of cloudflare's features is worth it, or if they should take their business elsewhere.
I really don't get the noise about #Cloudflare analysing traffic. Of course they do, that's a big chunk of their business! And I thought it was widely-known that they terminate TLS connections, so they could look at the contents. How is all of this suddenly so surprising to everyone?
@0xF21D wrote: "[...] something we technically knew was going on before but didn't consciously consider a threat, until now."
I've been warning for CDN's like Cloudflare and Fastly (and cloud providers in general) for a long time.
Here's a recent toot (in Dutch, the "translate" button should do the job): https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/114042082778156313.
If you trust Google to translate it (guaranteed NOT error-free, it *may* work in other browsers than Chrome): https://infosec-exchange.translate.goog/@ErikvanStraten/114042082778156313?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp [infosec-exchange.translate.goog]
P.S. Fastly knows your https://infosec.exchange login credentials.
So, Cloudflare analyzed passwords people are using to log in to sites they protect and discovered lots of re-use.
Let me put the important words in uppercase.
[Edit with H/T: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/cR4dJWj3KZltPv3rqX]