OK, really, I guess a conventional #introduction post is in order.
I just moved from the soon-to-be defunct sanjuans.life to the groovy and happening beige.party!
Hi, I'm Eric! I'm one of "those" people that spent most of his life in #SiliconValley and escaped in later life to the #PacificNorthwest. I spent some halcyon times that then turned tumultuous in #Portland before landing, through all sorts of weird life changes, in #OrcasIsland, Washington.
Still an active, if somewhat grizzled, #techie, I got to do a bunch of stuff (mostly involving #ReleaseEngineering) in places like Sierra Online, The Santa Cruz Operation, Frame Technology, Xerox PARC, DreamWorks Animation, Yahoo!, and Puppet.
I've been an erratic participant at #BurningMan. Originally, hanging (but not officially) with Spock Mountain Research Labs and Lamplighters, taking long breaks then coming back and doing stuff with #BLD
I have been an avid traveler. I love scuba diving, amusement parks, especially #rollercoasters. Back in the day, I was co-contributor of The World of Coasters and had some fun contributions to NPR, CNN, American Heritage.
After Covid set in things changed. I don't get out much and managed to stay free of it. I plan on keeping it that way. If one is to be stuck at home, San Juan County is a damn fine place to do it.