B is for Bread
C is for Challah
Here is my recipe:
B is for Bread
C is for Challah
Here is my recipe:
Frische Mohn-Semmel mit Sauerteig*
*(also added some dry yeast since I didn’t feed it before but it still adds the good flavour)
#bread #sourdough #breadrolls
I spent most of 2020 refining this recipe (seriously - a couple dozen loaves were baked!), and I'm pretty happy with how it has evolved. The sesame seeds or any other toppings are purely optional, but I like them. The lecithin and dough enhancers prevent staling, so this is a great sandwich bread that will last a 4-5 days after baking.
Duncan’s Honey-Molasses Wheat Bread
Fresh from the over #bread #sourdough
What a fun an busy week. I managed to stuff the doodle I coated and pulled myself into an acrylic box with paracord. I think I could use a larger box in most areas... and a slightly different box design... But I am certainly excited about putting more doodles in boxes and making them way less fragile.
I also baked a few breads. I am currently on bread 14. Here is a photo of bread 12 (top with additives) and bread 13.5 (second bread of a kilogram flour starter mass) also with the same cashews an olives.
With bread 13, I have begun noticing my liquid starter will be all floating about 12 hours after I feed it on a good day. So for bread 13 I caught it at one of these moments of peak ripeness before inoculating the bread dough with it. I also have been going in the fridge at night and taking it out during the day for two days. The added time added to the bread's fluffyness an rise.
Trying out a recipe for ten-grain bread, but with fewer grains and some swaps, lol.
Made the mistake (?) of adding chia to the mix, as i had a flaxmeal/hempseed/chia combo ready to hand, and now wondering if that was a bad idea... If it might make the grain mix too gelatin-y...
*Shrug* will report back on any successes or failures, possibly under the influence of cold/flu meds
bread rising deluxe remaster
(New server, new #introduction .)
I'm a newcomer to #portland #pdx. I moved here after living in #austin #austinTX for over 30 years.
I'm interested in #openSource #linux #selfHosted #homeAutomation #homeAssistant
I advocate for #civicTech #openData #communityTech
I like #libraries #classicalGuitar
I occasionally post photos of #cooking, #bread, #pizza, and Franklin the #cat. You're welcome.
It’s #baguette time!
First sourdough #bread
Didn’t rise that much during bulk fermentation, but I honestly kinda half-assed everything. Like didn’t even kneed it, 70% hydration and the starter is only 4 days old
Hmmm, seems it's near impossible to get @pluralistic his bread making book (#Unauthorized #Bread) except in audio-book form?