hypno kink, noncon
Traps that brainwash you.
hypno kink, noncon
Traps that brainwash you.
hypno kink, noncon?
Slice-of-life scenarios, but one of the people involved casually is either an active hypnotist trancing people or has actual mind control powers.
hypno kink, noncon
Hero going into the villain's lair to find their former ally sitting on the throne while the villain loyally serves them.
Where mind control is involved here left as an exercise to the reader
hypno kink, noncon, violence
Hypnotist that's fine with breaking into people's homes, kidnapping, threatening violence, doing violence and all other kinds of crime to get their victim to obey and worship them.
In fact, enjoying and reveling in all the extremes they go to in the process.
Hypno kink
Born to be strapped to a table and brainwashed.
Forced to sleep in a bed.
hypno kink
Creatures that are very much capable of great intellect, but are so well *trained* they might as well be particularly obedient beasts.
hypno kink, noncon
Ok, but, the idea of a demonic force influencing people through weird "spiritual warfare" stuff is kinda hot, no?
hypno kink
Mind control devices and substances applied specifically to the sexy parts of the sub.
hypno kink, memory play
Trigger to make the sub's memories "rewind" to a previous point.
Or, in general, fucking with their perception of time for the desired results.
hypno kink, dubcon
Idea: Scene showing two alternative versions of events where it's clear one of them is real and one of them is a hypnotic illusion the character is *made* to believe.
Which is which, though, remains up to reader interpretation.
hypno kink
Tired: They wouldn't need to use mind control to make me do that.
Wired: They wouldn't need to *use* the mind control to make me do that.
Hypno kink, huh?
Hypno mall filled with various things that mind control the customers and/or their chosen targets.
Also, insert pun about "strip mall".
hypno kink, noncon
Declaring something about someone's personality or relationships, be it relationships to oneself or to others.
And having the minds of the involved bend to accommodate.
Like, grabbing a random person from the street and going "this is my girlfriend" and it becoming true.
hypno kink, shameless self promotion
hypno kink, noncon
Hypnotising the Great Hero/protagonist, but specifically not to stop them from fighting evil or anything, just manipulating them for personal reasons.
hypno kink, noncon
The kind of relationship that gets a deprogrammer called.
hypno kink
The sub reduced to a simple, easily manipulated animal.
vore nsfw fulltour endo brainwashing
A polar bear CEO who reeducates problem employees while they rest in her harmless stomach. https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/dff4e730b0694092a7bdb028ca801806
Hypno kink, noncon
The kind of setting/group/relationship where sneaky and less sneaky mind control shenanigans are expected and treated with levity. How unethical the shenanigans can get us left as an exercise to the reader.
hypno kink, weird body grossness
The "impregnation x-ray shot" expect it's the sperm penetrating into the brain and infecting it.