Reminder that the RPGs for Accessible Gaming Bundle has about 1 day left with $5000 still to go to reach the fund raising goal. Nearly 250 works of TTRPG for $10. If you haven't gotten in on this yet, what are you even doing?
Reminder that the RPGs for Accessible Gaming Bundle has about 1 day left with $5000 still to go to reach the fund raising goal. Nearly 250 works of TTRPG for $10. If you haven't gotten in on this yet, what are you even doing?
I have just about 48 hours left of The Devil's Doorbell campaign on #kickstarter. A satire #rpg about converting souls and selling Satan door to door. Be the Satanic Panic in your neighborhood! Like Mormons but less evil.
Ich hab gerade das #ZineQuest-#Rollenpiel #ResistanceIsRequired mitgebacken.
Ein Rollenspiel für moderne Revoluzzer:innen, basierend auf dem Entwine-Rollenspiel. Baut gemeinsam den Widerstand gegen das Regime auf.
Less than 48 hours to back 'Growing Thylacine'
A no-prep, shared narration game across five evocative scenes crowdfunding for #ZineMonth / #ZineQuest. Collectively play a once-extinct creature dreaming about ex-life, then escape the cloning lab! Risograph printed in green and gold ink.
About a week left to back my #rpg "The Devil's Doorbell!" Step into the role of the The Devil's Missionary. Bring your friends and neighbors to The Dark Lord in this #SatanicPanic spin on #evangelical culture. Tithe your way to a new car, but in a cool leather jacket. Hail Satan!
Ring The Devil's Doorbell with me!
Hit the ground running and make your own future. Actualize your dreams and show your neighbors a world of possibility when they welcome The Devil into their lives.
Back The Devil's Doorbell on #kickstarter now!
My latest #ZineMonth / #ZineQuest roleplaying game, Growing Thylacine, is live on Kickstarter!
The whole table plays as one Tasmanian Tiger clone being grown in a lab. Players take on roles (Teeth, Limbs, Stripes, Pouch) & remember your pre-extinction life in four dreams. Then break out of the lab in a timed escape!
> No prep oneshots
> 30min-2hr runtime across 5 scenes
> 5d6 narration-stealing system
> Risograph-printed in green and gold
Hail Satan, Baby!
The Devil's Doorbell is a satire #ttrpg about spreading the word of The Devil through Suburbia. A tongue in cheek play on evangelicals, missionaries, and Satanic Panic. On #kickstarter now!
Sentai & Sensibility, my #ZineQuest from last year is a love letter to my spouse. Also! Our anniversary is St. Valentine's Day.
Voir son univers voyager vers d'autres contrées, c'est très plaisant !
Voici venu **SELENE OBSCURE**, un #jdr compatible #MORKBORG adapté de AORI/Pèlerines pour tenter d'empêcher la lune de tomber (spoiler : ça va mal finir), le tout dans un univers de science-fantasy sombre et gritty.
C'est en financement à l'occasion du #Zinequest et on a besoin de vous pour soutenir de la création indé francophone.
Pulvis Et Umbra is coming. It'll rattle the tiny plastic dice right off your desk. As Nechrobel intended.
Ever wondered what a TTRPG about graffiti in a medieval fantasy setting looks like ?
Then have a look at our campaign on backerkit: https://colourful.name/arlo
This is a setting with lore and map for Notorious Style, or any rule light TTRPG.
My band is about to kickstart our next project for zinequest next month! It's a Mork Borg adventure with a ambient postmetal soundtrack to thrash to.
Ihr könnt auch gern hier antworten, falls ihr coole #ZineQuest-Projekte auf dem Schirm habt.
Neu im Blog: „Zine Quest 2025 – ein paar Spiele, die ich aufm Zettel habe“ – https://thopan.uber.space/post/zine-quest-2025-ein-paar-spiele-die-ich-aufm-zettel-habe
Now available on Itch.io: Against the Monster / Gegen das Monster! A story game about a monster hunt, the good of the monster, and the monstrosity of the hunters. https://plotbunnygames.itch.io/against-the-monster
Game Design: @Bratapfel & @curiouscat, Artwork: @curiouscat
Only 24 hours left! Can we get this story game about a monster hunt, the good in the monster, and the monstrosity of the hunters to 4.000 €?!
We're so close to being funded! Less than 100 € and we're there!
Wir sind so nah an der Finanzierung! Weniger als 100 € und wir haben es geschafft!