#Trump Suggests US Could Join British Commonwealth.

#Trump Suggests US Could Join British Commonwealth.
'After 19 days of living in the same “prison clothes,” her father said she is “relishing just sitting in the garden, having a comfy bed, pillow and warm clothes.”'
U.K. Tourist Returns Home in Chains Like ‘Hannibal Lecter’ | Daily Beast
#ukpol #uspol #trump #canpoli #cdnpoli
@yogthos The Signal Technology Foundation is a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and the US government is turning fascist. The #UK and the #EU countries should seriously reconsider attempting to compel the best channel for domestic #CivilResistance to organize to bring the #USA back into geopolitical alignment with NATO. They should seriously reconsider exposing all the most vulnerable secrets of every EU and UK citizen, and everyone else who relies on Signal (including the #AFU) to Trump and Musk, and through them, to Xi and Putin.
As soon as the infrastructure is in place to defeat #E2EE with key escrow, the private lives and communications of European and British and Canadian and Mexican and Ukrainian and other democratic peoples the world over become immediately exposed to the fascist mafia state oligarchs of the US, Russia, and China.
That immediately endangers Ukrainian armed forces. It also exposes Canadian federal police communications with UCs and CIs (and I assume similar comms in Europe), sexting between spouses, and countless conversations everywhere with doctors, therapists, and lawyers. That benefits the psychopathic oligarchs in the current US regime and their Russian and Chinese handlers, and does irrevocable harm to national security throughout the democratic world. The benefit to French law enforcement is not worth the harm to French and allied everything else.
Vive la vie privée. Vive la France.
@gamingonlinux I've still not heard back from my MP Steve Reed, about the letter I sent to him about this.
Shower of bastards.
UK Politics, Disability, PIP
Thought this newest take from Michael Spicer about the British government's terrible disability proposals was pretty good: https://youtube.com/watch?v=iJB2S-Di9kg
"Tory leader provides no evidence to support position that flies in face of expert reports and her own words."
#Factcheck: Kemi Badenoch’s claim that net zero is ‘impossible’ by 2050 | Kemi Badenoch | The Guardian
#NetZero (#NotZero) #UKPol
@huntingdon @HarriettMB @StillIRise1963 This is what Europe wants to do with Rwanda, they tried it in the UK but somehow we managed to stop it. Now I hear Denmark is interested.
UKpol Climate Emergency
UKpol: cuts in disabilty benefits
Keir Starmer cutting key benefits to the disabled is shameful, as is most of what he does.
Frances Ryan in the Guardian as ever spot on.
"[These cuts] come with a tinge, not just of fear, but despair and betrayal. There is a feeling that, if this is life under the “good guys”, there really is no hope that anything will get better. Politicians, it turns out, really are all the same. That is the sort of loss that can’t be measured by a Treasury spreadsheet. It is also something that – once lost – is deeply hard to get back."
#Keir Starmer #Labour #UKpol #disability #ableism #FrancesRyan
The UK Online Safety Act is exactly the sort of unhinged bullshit you would expect to get from raving authoritarians who hate other people just going about their business.
It is fuck all to do with safety (because the real bad people will simply work around it) and everything to do with control.
UK politics, social security / benefit payments, mh--, semi-suicide threat, but also stubborn enough to live just to spite the wannabe-tories
... ok so these fuckers really ARE trying to kill us.
relevant af https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ROtVQt98s
I'm so close to the fucking edge this year.
I got a 1 kg bag of tapioca pearls for boba tea to make cheaper at home so I can still have a treat. Saw the price tag and was like "hmmm. *Do* I want / deserve an easy sweet treat I can add nutrient powder to as needed and sip for hydration?"
I got it in the end, but everyone deserves nice things. Yes, even the people you hate. Even the asshole down the street. Maybe if they got nice things and felt nicer, they might be kinder to people around them, idfk.
Footage release by Gazan's on the ground showed dead childred, many toddlers and infants, lying motionless on the ground and at medical stations.
Palestinians say they several entire families were killed in these strikes which went on for hours.
I know I post a lot of photos of clouds but honestly, I think we should all spend more time looking to the skies. They speak a rare and valuable truth to us all.
*nods wisely*
A rare instance of Lammy doing something right and Starmer punishes him for it.
Do we see what a joke the Labour Party is now? No democracy, no Humanity, just cruelty and indifference as policy.
Why are "1000 new people every day claiming Disability?"
Is it because we are all 'lazy' as our Government thinks, or a Pandemic has been allowed to run through us many times, degrading our bodies with each hit?
But oh, we don't want to upset the ECONOMY now do we?
UK politics, benefit cuts
And FFS, if you have an increasing number of people off work due to health issues, you should be looking at how to make them better, or improve their lives, not trying to exclude them from being helped, you unconscionable fuckwits.
UK politics, benefit cuts
Seething quietly to myself reading about the current "crackdown on benefits" bollocks.
Heartily recommend directly contacting your MP if they are Labour. There are a few that are antsy about this one (with good reason) & well reasoned, firm messages from their constituents, pointing out that a more appropriate way to fund their policies is by taxing the rich, not targeting the poor, can only help push them in the right direction.
UKPol, Benefit "reform"
One thing I am not seeing (which supports the idea this is purely money saving and not a genuine needed reform for fairness) is discussion of how abolishing the WCA will affect exemption from Work Requirements and Conditionality in Universal Credit.
Maybe it's in the Green Paper, but its absence from speeches and reporting is noticeable...