New marketing campaign:
At #Tesla,we've upgraded the glue we use to hold our cars together!
New marketing campaign:
At #Tesla,we've upgraded the glue we use to hold our cars together!
@hjes @kontrollierterWahnwitz das natürlich mit Schlüsselfirmen anzufangen ist und keine #Swasticars zu kaufen sollte allen klar sein!
It is time to sell Tesla stock as quickly as possible. Board members are already doing that.
#teslatakedown #swasticars #musk #tesla #stockmarket
@ai6yr @mattblaze I am seeing more and more #Swasticars of both types here in #OKC, and it makes me ill.
@eunews so it's only 6% to go.
Don't buy #Swasticars. Break the #nazi #Musk.
#Trump was always going to be shit but it's quite obvious that Musk is pushing several of his own ideas based on his #apartheid background and how his family benefited from it.
@streetartutopia People must be very careful when driving these cars though as the #Swasticars just go far-right all the time, they don't tend to turn left.
#Tesla ensures to put in each ugly car a signed photo of the Gran #fascist #Musk himself doing the Roman salute (cough cough #Nazi salute) and a membership form for the German Nazi party.
@cstross Would be interesting to see sales numbers (and this survey) broken down to Bundesland (state) level. Do East German states continue to buy more #swasticars?
Because this man knows cars.
#Trump hasn't driven a car outside of a photo opp. since the 80's (except golf carts)
@EUCommission Where are the 100% tariffs on #tesla #swasticars put 50% tariffs on unhealthy food and products. #BoycotUsa #BoycotCocaCola #BoucotLaysChips #EU citizens, look what the #canadians are doing, they stand up for their country.
Well electric cars, hell, cars in general these days come with proprietary software that totally screws over the buyer's ability to fix their own damn car. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
Right to repair isn't just some fancy slogan, it's a fucking right. Period. I'm all in on open source software and the freedom to dig into the code, learn from it, and yeah, fix it if I need to. That's how it should be, not this locked-down crap they're pushing on us.
Sadly, this is the world most people are forced into with big tech companies owning and operating most of the software we and many companies use today.
I would recommend anyone reading this to give #Linux a try if you haven't already used it. It's open-source, customizable, and gives you the freedom to really make your system your own.
In short: I love the right to repair my own stuff!
Donald Trump with Elon Musk and his kid advertising Tesla outside the White House is peak capitalism!
@GossiTheDog Was #Musk inside? Please say yes!
Someone with a history of making shit #Swasticars, now spaceships.. imagine when he is "managing" the US aviation system
@Downshift why are these #Swasticars even allowed on the roads then?
Cc: @bmdv
#Swasticar is actually a made up word, made of 2 separate words: 1) #Swastikas which is the SS emblem and 2) the word car which is a vehicle. When you meld #Swastikas and car you get #swasticars Get it? Clever!
AP: Musk’s embrace of right-wing politics risks alienating customers and sinking Tesla’s stock https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/musks-embrace-of-right-wing-politics-risks-alienating-customers-and-sinking-teslas-stock #tesla #automotive #TeslaTakeDown #BoycottTesla #swasticars #musk