"Astronomers noted that over 120 Starlink satellites re-entered Earth's atmosphere in January alone. ... While the re-entries produce visually stunning fireballs, they also raise concerns about atmospheric pollution."
"Astronomers noted that over 120 Starlink satellites re-entered Earth's atmosphere in January alone. ... While the re-entries produce visually stunning fireballs, they also raise concerns about atmospheric pollution."
"[T]here is no concept of 'international crime' for pollution in outer space. However, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has discussed harm to future generations, and this could include the degradation of the space environment."
"Wheeler highlighted an example in Belgium where the law could be about to change. Article 96 of the new Belgian Criminal Code includes the crime of 'ecocide.' This relates to 'the intentional destruction of the natural environment, and this includes outer space. This is a really interesting concept,' Wheeler said."
Here's a great explainer video on "the runaway debris threat to space technology" from the Financial Times.