"Was Trotsky a Bolshevik?", alt., "Why Leon Trotsky Sucked Hard."
#socialism #communism
Communism hasn't yet been fully recreated, but then again, people have only been trying to, and in relatively small numbers at that, actively recreated communism for only about 300 or so years out of the approximately 10,000 years since agricultural society killed it, so it makes sense that the first few attempt aren't going to immediately yield success. 2/2
"True" Communism, a stateless and classless society where the means of production are held in common, has only ever existed in large numbers in ancient primitive societies before the invention of civilization (for more information, read "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" by Engels) and hasn't existed in any meaningfully large numbers since. 1/2
There's no such thing as authoritarian communism, and I feel like your question is misguided. "Authoritarian Communists" don't claim that the Marxist-Leninist states such as the Soviet Union and the DPRK are communism, or at least they shouldn't. Those states are transitional phases that are meant to eventually transition into communism. They exist only to defend the revolution and ensure the transition into communism, which is stateless and classless. #socialism #communism
@aho @alienghic [timeloop.cafe] @hannu_ikonen
The Kronstadt Rebellion was a misguided and counter-revolutionary attack on the Soviet Union. They may have been "true communist," but they were also truly foolish, attacked the wrong people, and ended up hurting the very revolution they were supposed to protect.
#socialism #communism #anarchism
Any suggestions of horror movies with anti capitalist or at the very least anti consumerist messages?
"Trotskyism: Counter-revolution in Disguise, Chapter 5" (1935) by M. J. Olgin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
Santa gets captured by the Soviets
To me, vanguardism is just a fancy term for suppression, hierarchies, and state control.
It's about a small elite claiming to lead the masses, which is fundamentally at odds with real freedom and equality.
Next time someone asks you "when has
#socialism ever worked?", ask them why #capitalism seems to be unable to fix basic problems like the #housingcrisis or why capitalism crashes every 10 to 20 years and has to be bailed out by the #government every time there's a #recession.
#Socialist countries don't have & never had #recessions because the #economy is literally PLANNED in such a way as to avoid them.
[Musk Reposted Meme Calling Americans Who Use Federal Programs the Parasite Class.]
Americans who use federal programs still purchase things, pay for rent, go to the doctor, own cars, pay for gas, etc.
All these things go back to the system that keeps society in America going.
Low income people, disabled people, LGBTQ, POC, all still keep society going.
It's crazy how they just don't see that. Or refuse to see that.
My having PTSD provides a job for my therapist. Amongst all her other patients.
My back issues, provide work for my physical therapist.
Same thing for my doctor, nutritionist, and dentist.
I may not work as much as people who are greedy and lack common sense.
But my ailments provide work for people who need to make a living. All of us keep the world going.
"On the Significance of Militant Materialism" (1922) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
The Organization of the Masses by the German Catholics" (1913) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
"Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism" (1965) by Kwame Nkrumah. Explained in 11 minutes.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism