I am so glad I left the first canine search team I joined.
I just found a puppy Edraith video in the archives of an early run with them. She found really nicely, even alerted (she was *only four months old* and already building alert) but because, "once your dog starts coming to alert, they never get rewarded by the hider, only you" meant that there was ZERO value for the hider - aka 'missing person'.
This meant that although she had a wonderful find - alert chain, there was zero refind, because a) she had no idea what to do and b) no point in taking me back to a person who isn't rewarding her anyway. The entire thing started to break down within weeks; and this argument along with a few others I was having with the team leads meant I quit.
About 18 months later we found a new team, and after undoing a bunch of bad habits that were created due to simple lack of reinforcement, rebuilding the alert, and then properly chaining in the refind, we did succeed!
All this to say: the answer for "To reward or not to reward?" the answer is always YES - reward!
If you like something, reward it!