Anyone else using all available free time to turn off the news and furiously make stupid little crafts with their cats to maintain a semblance of sanity? Tell me what you’re making! Love all crafts/love all cats! #craft #upcycle #repurpose #resist #cats #alsoimnewhereandhavenoideahowthisappworkssorrythanksbye
Volunteer gardening with the small humans. We planted an old blue mop bucket with lomandra.
The play centre has won awards for sustainability so, naturally, the mop bucket came home with me a few weeks ago. DH drilled out the rivets, to release the roller mechanism, and made some holes in the bottom.
Society wants me to consume all the products and services, it tells me all the time with its incessant advertising everywhere I go
Read a website, there's an ad
Use an app, there's an ad
Call a phone number, there's an ad
Listen to music, there's an ad
Eat some food, there's more ads
Drive a car, ads everywhere
Have an object, branding on it to remind you of who you're consuming
Work a job, ads all day and maybe you're required to send some
Money in the bank? Ads for more services
People putting on clothing that advertises
People bragging about their preferred advertisers
People taking on brands as part of their identity
Eat, sleep, dream, ad
Bury me with my beloved consumption choices
Fill my blood stream from the plastics mass manufactured everywhere for unnecessary products
The planet is plastic
The economy is god
Animalkind is a product to be exploited
The galaxy is future parking lots
I must make and expend money
I am consumer
The cast aluminium of an old pump forms the lamps housing. Four slender stainless steel stilts hold the lamp above a robust terrazzo base.
Cheers ThuhShop
The cast aluminium of an old pump forms the lamps housing. Four slender stainless steel stilts hold the lamp above a robust terrazzo base.
The council of my home town has erected "swap huts" at their recycling centres.
So far it was illegal and a criminal offence to take something out of the containers. While this still will be the case, users can drop off and take usable stuff at the huts.
Baby steps... but something.
I got tired of my cocktail smoking kit rattling around in a box so I made a custom leather case for it. I was even able to #repurpose some dense packing foam to make the insert. From conception to completion it took me about three hours. Nothing fancy but fulfills the purpose. #LeatherCraft #cocktail #DIY #maker #HandMade
Yo what do i do with my old Garmin nuvi 2555 GPS?
Musing about the future…
Soon internet is going to be way more regulated and restricted. The global supply chain may collapse. Energy, water, food, clothing, housing will only get more expensive.
Pseudonymity (like I rely on) will mostly be a thing of the past for individuals.
Hopefully we can keep #usenet alive and community run.
Consider getting your #AmateurRadio licenses.
Find like minded people in your local community and establish mutual aid groups?
Maybe together set up a community wide mesh network to keep everyone informed and have communication available should something happen to the non-community run ones?
#Reduce, #Reuse, #Repair, #Repurpose, #Regenerate, #Reimagine, #Redesign, #Recover, #Recycle
Learn to mend clothes. Learn to make clothes.
Learn gardening. Collect rainwater. Compost. Grow food. Keep chickens. Keep bees. Learn to cook and preserve. Stock up.
Learn to repair and salvage.
Learn to make tools. Learn to design and write programs. Learn electronics.
Establish in law and in code
the #RightToRepair
the #RightToAmend
the #RightToDIY
the #RightToSalvage
the right to own the means
the right to inform and teach others.
“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.”