"Oh no, neurotoxin! Guess I'll go drink a bird!"
"Oh no, neurotoxin! Guess I'll go drink a bird!"
Just a reminder that the Escher Girls caption contest is still on-going and will run until the end of Friday, Jan. 17! Get your captions in if you want to participate!
You can submit your captions by replying to this post
on Tumblr by reblog/reply: https://www.tumblr.com/eschergirls/771773835891687425/wren-submitted-whats-this-dance-routine
or on the main site using disqus: https://eschergirls.com/photo/2025/01/04/january-2025-caption-contest-night-tickling-dead
Winners get their choice of Steam codes I have available or you can just participate for fun! (no pressure)
Overheard exclamation at work:
"Fuck them lions!"
My first thought was: is round() safer than trunc()? #math #outofcontext
Interesting story + all, but
"To date NASA and other space agencies"
threw me for a loop/ out of orbit for a nanosecond there
what, suggestive
"There's no Dorn-hole!"
lewd, what
"My talking penis is gonna take my job! "
Continental Drip
all you people clamoring for small balls finally got your wish, the smallest of balls, the balls just don't get smaller than that
vulgar, what
"You can fart a lightning explosion."
"The Trees need salmon."
If you aren't watching @BlurTheFur's raffle streams, you're missing out on nuggets of insight like this [clips.twitch.tv]
About That #OutofContext #Quote(s) from #WhippingGirl That #AntiTrans #Activists Relentlessly Share.
There are few things more #cowardly than #quoting someone out of context. It implies that you took the time to pore over that person’s #work and, rather than seriously engage with their #ideas, you chose to #smear them instead.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Feminism #Conservatives #TERFS #Hate #Bigotry #Transphobia
I will OwO your uwu
#Hatepastor #demands the #government line up all the “homos” & #shoot them in the back of the head.
He then had the #gall to #claim people were taking his #words #outofcontext because, he said, he's not going to #personally #kill #gay #people
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Religion #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #EmptyThePews #ThePartyOfHate
'I have no #hatred for #gay #people': #Israeli #DiasporaMinister #AmichaiChikli speaks out after #UK #protests, claiming his remarks were taken #outofcontext and calls for '#positivity'
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #MiddleEast #Israel #Hate #Bigotry #Homophobia #Transphobia
DM: The chief of the kitchen staff is a surly looking dragonborn. He looks you up and down and says. "Saw you check in. You don't have any nobility with you. Shove off."
@llanion : <Six will remember that>
Quin: "Your constitution score is negative Ha Ha, why are you even talking about this right now?"
Not a *new* new video, but it's been a long time coming and I FINALLY have a trailer to round out the channel. A culmination of nearly a year(!)'s worth of content, with an appropriately cheesy opening to send off to the game that started this whole silliness in the first place.
YT: https://youtu.be/Bv9J5aWTil8
OD: https://odysee.com/@ThatOneSeong:c/trailer2023:2