NAS, Nextcloud und Backups
Ich möchte ein Backup zu oder von einer Nextcloud einrichten, doch in den Backup-Tools finde ich zwar Dutzende Clouddienste, nur kein Nextcloud.

NAS, Nextcloud und Backups
Ich möchte ein Backup zu oder von einer Nextcloud einrichten, doch in den Backup-Tools finde ich zwar Dutzende Clouddienste, nur kein Nextcloud.
NAS Synology + Calibre Web (Automated) : créez votre propre bibliothèque numérique ! https://www.it-connect.fr/nas-synology-calibre-web-automated-creez-votre-propre-bibliotheque-numerique/ #Synology #NAS
Update. "Strong Scientific Leaders Must Speak Out against the Trump Administration’s Science Denial"
"We are proud to be members of the #NAS [National Academy of Sciences], but we are not proud of its present inaction. In these challenging and defining times, the National Academy of Sciences, of all scientific institutions, must speak up…The new #Trump administration is now making an unprecedented effort to prevent science from informing public policy. In his first day in office, President Trump signed executive orders withdrawing the U.S. from participation in the Paris Agreement on #climate change and from the World Health Organization [#WHO]. The new administration has subsequently acted to drastically limit support for climate and medical research performed by scientists in the federal government and in universities. In this emergency, it is not enough for the National Academy of Sciences to speak up from its grass roots, as in 2016 or 2018. It must now speak as an institution if it is to fulfill its responsibilities to the nation and maintain its relevance in the future."
Device: /dev/sde [SAT], Self-Test Log error count increased from 0 to 1
heise+ | Im Test: NAS-Barebone LincStation N2
Netzwerkspeicher mit SSDs sind kompakt, schnell und leise, aber teuer. Am hohen Preis sägt die LincStation N2. Wir konnten sie vor dem Verkaufsstart testen.
Well that was fun. Upgraded #UnRAID on my #NAS to 7.0.1 and suddenly it got stuck mid-boot.
If you run into issues on a CWWK CW-ADLN-NAS or other Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-N305 board, try what I did: add "pcie_port_pm=off" to turn off PCIe port power management.
Seems to be some combo of hardware bug in this board and a bug in #linux #kernel 6.6.78-Unraid
TL;DR - Heads up, latest 6.13.x kernels seem to cause problems with Intel N100 based boards!
@AugierLe42e I assume that port is fixed to a specific USB Hub / Controller / Port and the button is similarly linked to some GPIO / I²C / PS/2 port...
for #USB devices and see if the specific port in question has a USB mass storage device or SATA bridge chip attached to it when said button is pressed.If #QNAP used #Linux they should've provided those drivers / scripts as part of their #GPLv2 obligations to buyers/owners of said #NAS boxes.
Either way if you can reliably identify the port & detect the button presses that should be sufficient to build like a #bash or #python script to basically detect the drive, mount it and cp -r /dev/$DRIVE/ /home/copied_drives/$LABEL/
Pretty shure you'll have to tweak a bit unless you want to use /dev/by-uuid/$UUID
and the UUIDs of the partitions as name...
- I've setup a VNET thick jail on my FreeBSD NAS.
- The jail has its own IP address on my LAN.
- I declared a devfs ruleset to unhide /dev/tun* for the VNET jail.
- I installed Wireguard in the jail.
- I enabled Wireguard with a ProtonVPN configuration.
- I installed qbittorrent-nox and configured it to use the Wireguard interface.
I now have a home ISP-proof qBittorrent setup with which to torrent Anna's Archive.
Copying a file from a TrueNAS to Ubuntu #networking #backup #nas
So recently #OneDrive hd a couple hundred thousand files to sync on my MacBook even though only a very small part of those files was actually on my system. Must've been some metadata stuff or something.
But today I logged into my #Synology #NAS to do a manual backup to an external drive (don't worry, I have automated backups offsite as well) and noticed #CloudSync couldn't sync anymore. Its folder didn't exist. But it did. Relinked OneDrive, and now it's merging files. What's there to merge???
NAS Synology : auto-héberger Activepieces, l’alternative à Zapier https://www.it-connect.fr/nas-synology-auto-heberger-activepieces-lalternative-a-zapier/ #Automatisation #Synology #Docker #NAS
So what is the most power-efficient #ZFS #NAS possible? My current local storage is a nightmare of old systems and old drives that nonetheless don't worry me any thanks to ZFS.
But I'm burning 2000 watts easy, so I'd like to make plans to both upsize my platters so as to run fewer of them (largely a money problem), as well as put the <=6 new drives into something new that sips power and runs either Linux or FreeBSD.
Generally when I look at dedicated NAS devices, they're offering features I do not need or want, so I guess what I'm really asking is, I have no idea. Is there a SoC or ARM (RISC-V? Does that have ZFS yet? probably not...) device with a generous complement of SATA (or even better, SAS) ports with a competent *nix admin in mind?
Helium- oder Luftfüllung in der Festplatte?
Ich suche eine große Festplatte für mein Archiv, möchte aber keine mit Heliumfüllung. Woran erkenne ich, welche Platten mit Luft gefüllt sind?
Can you use a general-purpose OS like #Windows or #Ubuntu to replace your dedicated #NAS OS?
Been thinking of a suitable hostname for a #NAS that's on a #RaspberryPi, and decided to just call it The Pile.
Because, you know, the Pi file storage.
The Pile storage.
The Pile.
heise+ | All-Flash-NAS im Test: Terramaster F8 SSD Plus
All-Flash-NAS werden zum Massenprodukt: Terramaster hat zwei Modelle im Buchformat herausgebracht. Wir haben das besser ausgestattete F8 SSD Plus getestet.
All hell has broken loose & now I have a #CRT television. My #RaspberryPi , formerly used as a DNS sinkhole, is now doubling as my #NAS & the TV's video output for games & my media collection. I'm using a very old (& near-defective) RF modulator I got from a flea market, to carry video signal from the Pi composite-out to the coax-only TV. It's neat.
Wondering if I should start using the external hard drive I've got as my main drive again, backing up to the NAS setup, or keep using my NAS as the main one with the external drive acting as the cold backup?
615€ pour mon NAS 20 To chez moi ça peut paraître cher.
Et puis je me suis demandé : Avec la même somme, combien de temps je pourrais louer un VPS dans le claoude avec la même capacité de stockage ?
Réponse : 3 mois.
La même somme me permettrait de tenir 3 mois.