This Week in Self-Hosted (14 March 2025)
@homeassistant #Matter support, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #Cups -- a #container update monitoring platform, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
This Week in Self-Hosted (14 March 2025)
@homeassistant #Matter support, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #Cups -- a #container update monitoring platform, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
Er det noen på #Norsktut som er gode på smarte hjem løsninger? Ser på åpne standard løsninger som #Zigbee og #Matter
Målet er å komme til hvor jeg kan styre alt remote med et sikkert alarm og video opplegg, og temperatur målinger, dørlås, varmtvannstank og varmepumpe.
Hva bruker folk til dette?
Jeg ønsker ikke type Verisure eller Sector Alarm, eller andre som "låser meg inne" i deres økosystem.
I know they really had to rush Matter to market in order to have any kind of hope of seeing adoption, but man, it really doesn't support much huh?
I'm kinda surprised there's no WiFi fan controller that supports Matter. Inovelli has one that goes over Thread but that's about it.
I was agonizing over how I was going to give my family access to the Matter devices I installed because I didn't think they'd want to learn yet another home automation app (Home Assistant), and then I realized that Matter has a Multi-Admin feature.
Huh. I think I like this protocol. *plunks them into Google Home*
Also, I'll stop rambling about home automation stuff some day I swear.
More Home Automation Rambling
So I went with Matter WiFi switches instead of Z-wave, Zigbee, or Thread switches. I'm not sure I made the right choice, but the buy-in to get enough coverage to make any low-power network work would've been prohibitively expensive. That said, there's a massive downside in that any battery-powered smart device just isn't going to work, which means getting smart switches that aren't wired is a bit more difficult.
Meh. Aside from the power consumption, I think I made the right choice.
Side note: We do have Hue lights so I could've used them as the backbone of a Zigbee network, but I think my family would be utterly lost if I got rid of the Hue app by moving all the lights off of the bridge and onto the Home Assistant server.
#matter : that of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed
- French: sujet
- Italian: materia
- Portuguese: matéria
- Spanish: asunto
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
#Microsoft now says it has created a new state of #matter in its quest to make a powerful machine, called a #quantum #computer, that could accelerate the development of everything from #batteries to #medicines to #AI.
On Wednesday, Microsoft’s scientists said they had built what is known as a “topological qubit” based on this new phase of physical existence, which could be harnessed to solve mathematical, scientific & technological problems.
#Microsoft Says It Has Created a New State of #Matter to Power #Quantum #Computers
Microsoft’s new “topological qubit” is not based on a solid, liquid or gas. It is another phase of matter that many experts did not think was possible.
#tech #science #physics #TopologicalQubit
I don't really understand how Thread/Matter brags about not requiring a hub and then immediately turns around and says that you need a border router.
How is that not just a hub? Like, I get that it's (somewhat) functionally distinct, but it's still a hub.
EDIT: Eh, it actually makes sense.
Mit einem neuen #Labor-#Update liefert #AVM #FritzOS 8.02 für das #FritzSmart #Gateway. Damit erhalten Nutzer mehr Kontrolle über #Matter-Geräte in ihrem Netzwerk und haben Zugriff auf zusätzliche Funktionen. https://winfuture.de/news,148862.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Hab die #HomeKit Kontaktsensor Idee von @matthias_petrat hier an unserem Briefkasten umgesetzt #matter #Aqara klappt
Finally got to working with #homeassistant instead of playing in XYZ corp’s smart home walled garden. Knowing that I own all the data on a server that physically resides with me feels good. Learned a ton about #matter / #thread over the process too.
I feel like you don’t realize just how restrictive proprietary smart home apps are until you start designing your own automations. Or bringing your own devices and using MQTT to push data back and forth.
Making my house "smart": installing a #matter sonoff smart relay in the bathroom to be able to turn the fan on and off remotely. In the future I will fix the button input and make it stay on for only 15-30 minutes before turning itself off automatically.
#iot #internetofthings
Hat sonst schon jemand den #Nanoleaf Sense+ Smart Wireless Switch, angeblich mit #Matter und #Thread?
Und mag sich drüber unterhalten ob der Schalter für #AppleHome aktuell nur Elektroschrott ist?
Zum Wochenende liefert #AVM neue #Firmware im Rahmen eines Fritz Labors für das #FritzSmartGateway. Das #FritzOS 7.90-#Update behebt einige Fehler im Bereich von #Zigbee und #Matter. https://winfuture.de/news,146805.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Matter 1.4 has some solid ideas for the future home—now let’s see the support - Matter, the smart home standard that promises an interoperable future for ... - https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/11/matter-1-4-has-some-solid-ideas-for-the-future-home-now-lets-see-the-support/ #connectivitystandardsalliance #homeautomation #googlehome #applehome #matter1.4 #smarthome #biz #matter #thread #alexa #tech #evse #csa
Matter 1.4 verspricht Verbesserungen fürs #SmartHome: Einfachere Geräteeinrichtung, bessere Interoperabilität und optimiertes Energiemanagement. Der Standard will Kinderkrankheiten ausmerzen. #Matter https://winfuture.de/news,146559.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Ingénieure de développement logiciel pour les #télécommunications sans fils chez #schneiderElectric, mon travail est d'apporter une expertise technique interne aux produits "intelligents" (#Zigbee, #Thread, #Matter, #IoT)
Apeurée par les objets connectés même si je travaille à en créer, je m’intéresse aux questions de l' #impactenvironmental des technologies #wireless, à la #soueraineteNumérique, mais également à nos droits fondamentaux de liberté numérique.