@stefanmuelller @tagesschau natürlich!
- Wer #Manager-#Gehälter und #Dividenden zahlen kann, sonnte keine #Arbeitsplätze streichen dürfen!
@stefanmuelller @tagesschau natürlich!
Football Manger 2014: No commentary longplay [008] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otKL90JXF3s #hd #fm #3d #fm14 #2024 #mufc #2025 #nani #2014 #fm25 #coach #retro #manu #60fps #vidic #soccer #rooney #gaming #degea #tactic #legend #rivals #manager #manutd #capture #classic #legends #football #longplay #gameplay #database #nostalgia #letsplay #ferdinand #transfers #vanpersie #management #fmcommunity #nocommentary #gamingchannel #footballgames #managementsim #premierleague #footballmanager
Connecting #Google #Ad #Manager to Google #Tag Manager involves modifying the header #code to include specific scripts and configuration for ad delivery. Below is a detailed guide on how to implement this with the provided script.
@jake4480 @Brandon [thehyborianage.com] @ningkantida @jedda
For Passwords I recommend #KeePass
https://keepass.info/index.html Also for Smartphones.
Best one for me! :0)
so, #chatgpt is offline...
from what you read about #openai some angered #investor, #developer or #manager has smashed some racks with a ax ...or whatever. but you never know so...
So uh
that thing I've been talking about
I guess you can try it now if y'want.
#DonaldTrump will #nominate #ScottBessent, a #gay #billionaire, for #TreasurySecretary
The #hedgefund #manager will be the first openly #Gay #Cabinet #secretary #nominated by a #Republican.
Manager großer Börsenkonzerne verdienen so viel wie nie
Im Schnitt 2,65 Millionen Euro haben Vorstände von Deutschlands großen Börsenunternehmen 2023 verdient - so viel wie nie zuvor. Der mit Abstand bestbezahlte Manager führt den kriselnden VW-Konzern an.
#Lawsuit claims #Culver's #fastfood #chain #retaliated against #trans #manager and #workers who #reported #transphobia
#Federal #lawyers say the #BrikEnterprisesInc, the #operators of a #Culver’s #restaurant #fired the #victims of a #transphobic #work #environment.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Business #Workplace #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Transphobia
#McDonald's #sign #hacked to #display #TransRights #message, #manager says
Moore was unsure of how long the #message was on #display, but it was #discovered by #employees around 5 p.m. Wednesday. The sign was immediately #turnedoff, she said.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Illinois #Business #McDonalds #NotAnAlly
'#Slaughter these #people': #Trump #rally #speaker amps up #Violent #rhetoric in calling for more #votes
#Miami-based #privateequity #manager #GrantCardone, #speaking at the #rally, ratcheted up the rhetoric as he condemned Vice President Kamala Harris and her "pimp handlers."
@arch time to switch to @passbolt ? #opensource #password #manager
nett die wildgewordene #community #manager #godot bezeichnet leute als n***
ich hoffe wirklich das jemand die screenshots gefaket hat
Sure, @PurpleWeedyGit's Ghatrunk doesn't wrestle these days, but it doesn't mean he's any less tough - at least with those he coaches!
Want your own? They're 50.00 USD and can be ordered over at https://comms.zeiroslion.art.
Frühförderung in Singapur: Kitas für die Topmanager von morgen
In Singapur wird Bildung großgeschrieben - und das von klein auf. In vorschulischen Bildungseinrichtungen sollen die künftigen Führungskräfte heranwachsen. Das Konzept scheint aufzugehen. Von S. Flier und J. Johnston.
Helping a friend at a #storage #unit the other day, I had a revelation: indoor storage units are dungeons, in the #DnD sense. Long straight #corridors, all at right angles, neat units of distance, and #niches full of #treasure to either side.
Which makes me think it would be a lot of fun to run a game in a far-post-apocalyptic-#fantasy setting, preferably without the players knowing at first that’s what it is, where they are exploring a #dungeon which turns out to be a buried building. The niches all have cryptic symbols above them they can’t decipher, but which appear to be some kind of numbering system. When they pick or break the ancient locks, they find some niches have ancient treasures, while others contain incomprehensible #artifacts, and still others are full of plain junk.
The main danger on the upper levels comes not from #monsters, but from precariously piled heaps that fall down as the doors are opened. The players, of course, will perceive these as #traps.
A dungeon needs some monsters. Here they’re more numerous on the lower levels, in the form of #undead employees. The players will eventually discover that they venture forth from a chamber on the bottom level, known in the ancient tales as the “Manager’s Office.” The #Manager itself is the final boss fight.
Upon defeating the Manager and venturing out the door, they find that the lower levels of the building are surrounded by a vast #cavern, with an oddly flat floor and the ruins of a huge sign. The party sage puzzles out the ancient writing: PUBLIC STORAGE.
… I guess outdoor units are ruins, but anyone DMing that game needs to figure out how they’ve lasted that long. A #curse is a chillingly believable explanation.
@jerry good intentions here - i think it should spur on more people looking into field and probably more comprehensive training, infosec is constantly evolving and growing, becoming more of a growing concern every year. It is easy to kick dirt on home plate, harder to be billy martin #manager #modern baseball