Birthday Gift for @haysparklemane
Lucky gifted one of the cards he was looking for quite a while, it was obviously that the card was enchanted to shift him accordingly~ #Wolfaroart #TFEveryday #Weightgain #Donkey #Anthro #Belly #MagicTheGathering #WildsOfEldraine #AsinineAntics #Transformation #Transfur
Well with how much I have ordered for Final Fantasy magic the gathering collab I will now be setting up OnlyFlans. It’s me……… making cakes and baked goods …….that are vegan……. That’s it #baking #magicthegathering #finalfantasy
Made another pixelart MtG card. Archfiend of Ifnir from Amonkhet. Love the eerie mood of Seb McKinnon's original piece.
Alright nerds, I ended up treating myself to a package of random MtG* cards to build my first deck.
(* #MagicTheGathering , not Evil Lady name's)
#MagicTheGathering players can celebrate #Pride with a special #EDH event this June.
Wizards of the Coast has announced an official Spongebob Secret Lair, bringing the beloved cartoon character into Magic: The Gathering. #MagicTheGathering
Monday morning reminder!
New episode of FRIDAY NIGHTS that’s been described as “Royal” and “Grand” and… uh, “Dispatch”??
#LRRMTG #MagicTheGathering
I made 2 animated emojis/stickers for Crowtaur's Discord server!
Brand new FRIDAY NIGHTS premiering shortly!
This is a pretty special one, please join us!
#LRRMTG #MagicTheGathering
There is a recent push from content creators to convince commander players to include more lands into their deck. Do you think it will work? #mtg #MagicTheGathering #mtgpolls