So, I cleaned up, sourced, and expanded out my post about fascist lawmakers using the anti-trans pogrom to go after disability rights a little bit and published it on my website; extra paragraph and a half, cleaned up some wording, nothing major changed but it has source links now.
Nina-Bytes: A Gateway to Eliminationism
"The short story here is that, lead by noted transphobic crook fascist Ken Paxton, seventeen GOP-controlled states (fifteen of which have recently passed anti-trans legislation) are asking federal courts to strike down a recent US Department of Health and Human Services rules update that helps to protect trans people from government discrimination, arguing that gender dysphoria shouldn’t be covered by disability rights legislation. The kicker however is that these states are asking for the entire rule to be removed, even though the majority of the 130 page federal rule has nothing to do with trans care or gender dysphoria, including provisions to prevent discrimination against disabled medical patients, the rights of disabled parents in child welfare cases, and folks who’ve become disabled as a result of contracting Long Covid. In other words, fascist lawmakers are now using the anti-trans moral panic they’ve spent years drumming up, to prosecute a eugenicist agenda against the rights of disabled Americans in real time."