My Life In Ancient Egypt, being chapter three of Virtually Real:being in cyberspace is up today on my blog.
In this chapter I examine the trials and tribulations of becoming an avatar person and of becoming an ancient Egyptian priest. Virtual narcissism quickly becomes apparent, as do the perils of meeting vikings in ancient Egypt.
Intense eye contact.
The Ushabti who directs the marketing in the Duat approached Anpuankhses and told him that he could not expect the souls to choose him to guide them to the afterlife if he was always frowning and snarling. So Anpuankhses took a deep breath and did her best cinnamon roll face for his new profile picture.
PS: He literally smells like cinnamon roll because of his incense.
Disturbing Digital Art, Blood, Intimidating eye contact, chaining.
I present to you my bad boy. On the left you have a first concept art, while on the right you have my latest work and his final design. This character has a bad habit of forcing my Anpuankhses into exasperating situations. Why? This you will have to find out for yourself!
Exploring the deity Shezmu in his ram form.
#kemetic #kemeticism #polytheism #pagan # polytheist
Yinepu reaches out into the world and is part of the world.
#kemetic #kemeticism #anubis #pagan #polytheism #paintings
(A 2ft by roughly 5ft painting)