Today, in #OutsideGirl, a trouser cryptid sighting!
Cycling trousers are also quite good for just walking when the weather is clammy.
They're done! The trousers! The waistband is not quite as tight as intended so they sit a bit lower but that only means there's room for me to grow. Open images for two gifs of me trying them on and demonstrating the movement range!
Relatedly, the answer to the question of "Just how wide and full do you want to make these cycling trousers?" seems to be a very firm: "Yes. "
My linen is a bit heavy so I can't go quite as voluminous as my heart yearns for, probably, but I trust the trouser legs will look suitably enormous on my smaller frame nonetheless. And maybe I can make much bigger ones later, from a lighter fabric!
Random ponder. For some reason I’m thinking of a slightly old timey skirt in one of my sportsball team colors with an over skirt in the other sportsball color. Would like for the outfit to be quite warm to 35 degrees Fahrenheit.
Any pattern and fabric suggestions? I’m pretty flexible on period tho have a slight bustle silhouette in mind. (NOT like a cage bustle or complex underpinnings tho.) #historybounding
Join me for a brief adventure of a slapdash formatted thread about how I made this cute little Victorian-ish camisole from repurposed linen? Materials used: older linen shift I'd been using as a night dress and undershirt, a bunch of this nice linen lace I experimentally bought, thread, buttons. Combination of hand and machine sewing. A thread, part 1 out of...?
It's pretty much finished! I still need to whipstitch the hem from the inside and the sun will probably set before I get around to it, so here's photos. My newest "let's make a comfy house blouse whoops shit it looks pretty fancy" shirt. It's meant to be cinched in by a skirt waistband, also. Estonian organic linen, own vaguely Late Victorian pattern, more handsewing than planned.
Continuing with the shirtwaist and oh gosh hecking darn this linen is so beautiful? Look at it! And I've been holding the bodice part this way and that while hand finishing the insides!
I was originally going to top stitch along the edge with two lines of black thread, but I don't know, it just kind of looks very pretty like this.
Meanwhile, in sewing land. Started working on this linen shirtwaist yesterday. I used the very last scraps of a previous blouse to cut out a collar and the cuffs, and tried some buttonholes by hand last night. The first was terrible, the second and third much better! The buttons found in a notions hoard have this very thick shank, so I decided to cut out the buttonholes to accommodate. We'll see how it holds up, at least it looks nicer!
It is I, the #OutsideGirl, and today I went to try my new shoes and to fetch a parcel and to visit a Jysk!
The Jysk was as it ever was, and I got a new lamp to replace a calamitously destroyed new one. The shoes were surprisingly comfortable, and now I have two pairs of shoes!
I did too many things yesterday and am thus not doing anything today. Please join me in dreaming about walking down a street in a dramatic skirt simply for the pleasure of walkies in an enormous hat!
The video is from 2021 when I'd just finished the hat, I believe.
After eleven million years of doing battle with the linen shirt it's almost done. I just need to hem it. The buttons are a bit wonky and the fabric is difficult to take photos of, and I changed thread colour after doing the sleeve vents, but here we are. The buttons are at the back of neck! Sort of a rustic vintage blouse.
If I may, might I direct your attention to my favourite hat I ever made!
It is absolutely enormous and fits on top of some truly chunky wigs and is wider than my actual shoulders in some places!
The construction is on top of a repurposed sinamay base, steamed and remoulded, covered in velvet and just a bunch of different veiling and crin tube to simulate the movement of feathers sans feathers!