@KatyElphinstone #ALTTEXT to the pic #quote below and thoughts to Chris' 'only' relying on yourself potentially changed to 'mostly'(?)...
" I want you to remember: those who are hyper-independent aren't just robots who don't need people. They are the kids who struggled to have their needs met and finally gave up and took matters into their own hands. "
- @drjenwolkin
This reminds me of #GretaThunberg who start *almost* by herself and then needs the help of others / need help from humanity to save itself, together.
So I would say Chris @nitecoder that 'only' in your reply is probably right or very close, but mainly or mostly is more true if cooperation is the heart of many things and unavoidable as a species. <shrug> but also it's the best part (once people can reply and start trust itself knowing we are all just 'randoms almost out genuinely all want or need same things, if we can give / receive it).
By yourself is good to start and continue - but we should (have to anyway) rely on others if we going to provide for each other (currently by anonymous mostly money making people) do any 'save' humanity (on any level) or learning together or completing life's puzzles with each other.
Seems a bit of a speech but what do you think Chris? Is it far wrong we need to work together?