Rant re: Signal Shills being dangerous Tech Illiterates
Rant re: Signal Shills being dangerous Tech Illiterates
Meowdy I've never really been one for #introduction posts, but I figured I'd throw my introductory hat into the fediverse ring. My name is Lammi, and I'm a psychology student in the USA. My pronouns are she/her, and I speak #english natively and a passable amount of #german. I dabble in art, digital over traditional most times. I write when I can.
In the furry sense the name is a misnomer, as I am certainly more cat than lamb. I'm a sparse poster, but avid lurker. Excited to meet you all ♡
Also, I joined fedi at the suggestion of a dear friend, and while he's done his best to show me the ropes, please correct me if I make any mistakes ♡
(Housemate sent me this and it seemed highly relevant to my #mastodon feed filled with dinosaur lovers, language obsessers, and people who speak German)
[Auf Deutch in das alt-text]
1925 SS Resolute, Hamburg-Amerika Linie
#German #Postcard #Travel #OceanLiner #Ephemera #BoatsofMastodon #Ships #Retro #Vintage
Being haunted by the ghost of the #German language is such a weird experience. You'll listen to something sung in it after some two decades of not studying nor speaking it... And your brain is like:
: Aha! A language we know!
: I don't remember what half of these words mean, I feel like I'm having an episode...
: You will, any second now! Ooh, that word means "like, the same as, in the way of", we're understanding so much!
: Could repeat some of that sentence that just whizzed by, no idea what it means!
: *vibrates on an unknown frequency with effort to reactivate the rustiest of brain cells* Uhh
: Hang on, let me activate Swedish, we'll see if that helps!
: Nej men för helvete...
You can now show your #resistance to your country's leadership!
Wear your beliefs on your sleeves:
Represent & #Resist
Get your completely FREE clothing print files here: https://madeindex.org/blog/my-government-does-not-represent-me/
Let's start making a statement today! Our government does not speak for us - we do!
For fun I made this... "song" and music video today. I call it "Wortliedvideo" and dedicate my masterpiece to... you.
New #introduction post!
I'm Alicia and I'm a fibre artist (#dyeing #handspinning #felting #needlefelting #weaving #crochet #embroidery #upcycling #sewing) with interests in #mandala #art #psychedelicart #sacredgeometry #neurographicart and #watercolors.
My family and I run a business called @Fibre2Fabric where we dye all sorts of exotic #fibre #yarn, and #fabric.
I live in the country with my partner and our 6 #cats, 3 #dogs, #snake and #crestedgecko where I enjoy my many interests. (#gardening #plants #herbalism #fungi #music #ukulele #piano #dancing #flowart #reading #writing #tarot #poetry #haiku #cozygames and I'm getting more into #opensource / #linux)
When I say flow art, I mean spinning props like #hulahoop #leviwand #puppyhammer #poi #staff #silkfans #firefans etc.
I love #languagelearning. I studied #German and #Spanish as a kid, took #Japanese in uni, and I'm currently studying #ASL #Cree #Tokipona #Spanish and #Chinese. I also dabble in #French and #Latin sometimes and I'm learning #Greggshorthand to write faster. Cree is my favourite language and Spanish is my second.
I've been cursed since childhood with that lovely trifecta of #heds #pots and #mcas. Healing slowly but surely.
Hope I get to meet even more cool people the algorithms would normally drown out on other social media sites. I love it here!
I like #donkeys. You should too.[1]
You can get lots of lovely donkey posts in your feed by following the #asstodon tag.
I have no idea why, but a large fraction of the posts I see are from users whose first language is French. I don't speak it, but I really like seeing other people talking about the things they're interested in or passionate about in their language of origin. Electronics hobbyists in Swedish, pet enthusiasts in Japanese, Euro politics in German or Spanish, on and on...
[1] In my humble but correct opinion
A little thing for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/Just-A-Lazy-Cake. I like their art, and their characters are cute, so I draw the funny. :B
Zoe is caught a bit off guard by the potency of this rather silly power-up. :V I hear she likes to inflate herself like a balloon, and I happen to know a purple dino that knows how to make folks big and round, so if you want more info, hit me up. :b
#furry #dog #canine #girl #german #shepherd #inflation #PBalloon #shenanigans
It hurts me to say this, as an #American, but people need to avoid the #USA for 2 years, at least, 2027, when the #Democrats can get a majority in #Congress and stonewall #Trump
If that doesn't happen (which would be a serious tragedy), then 4 years. And if we get a #MAGA/ Trump president in 2029, write off this country for a generation at least
"A #German Thru-Hiker Has Been Detained, Deported, and Banned From the #US Without a Hearing: Here’s What You Need To Know"
The small village of #Rozwarowo in the far north-west of #Poland, nestled in a #moorland landscape, is the setting for a special project. #Reed farmer Alfred Smolczynski has been revitalising the #moor since the late 1980s, despite much resistance. He is now making his land available to a unique initiative to promote #biodiversity and rare #birds in particular.
Moorretter in #Pommern – #Artenschutz und Auswilderung
Documentary in Polish and #German
Elon Musk's "affinity for Nazi salutes have also called into question his racial ideology, especially as a descendant of #Nazi sympathizers. That is according to his father, Errol Musk, who told the Podcast and Chill Network in November that the billionaire’s maternal grandparents supported #AdolfHitler and were members of the #German Nazi Party in #Canada before moving to #SouthAfrica in support of #apartheid."
German Telcom companies. Anyone have favorites or recommendations? Prices look right, but want ppl's opinions.
Would like the option to Tether/Mobile-Hotspot.
1. Smartmobil
2. Freenet
3. Telekom
4. 1&1
#german #Germany #telkom #wlan
Bonus: Any company that offers connection into a bunch of WLAN/WiFi hotspots? Here in the US we have X-Finity APs scattered everywhere. (They are created by sharing people's own routers they rent mostly against the consumer's knowledge.)
After all the commercials, I had to look up what Schwarzkopf means, and it's literally "black head" in #German.
And you know what else I realised. Back when I was a kid I saw #SpongeBob in German, and he was called "SpongeBob Schwammkopf". So he's "SPONGE BOB SPONGE HEAD". Now you have to live with that too.
@funhouseradio this cat has the same energy as #MuffinTheCat...
Hey Fedi,
sagt mal, wenn der Arbeitgeber jemanden feuert und dem gesamten Team den Kündigungsgrund offen mitteilt und dieser Kündigungsgrund einen Straftatbestand enthält, ist das legal?
Habe gerade einen Gruppenmitteilung zur Kündigung eines Kollegen gesehen in der genau das passiert ist. Ich dachte sowas unterliegt dem Datenschutz?
@p_calleri oh yeah, @coldmirror , the absolute #legend of #German #memes...