For a game you really shouldn’t take seriously at all, #HighOnLife has a couple of irritating trophies, which I think was the point, so enjoy it anyway
For a game you really shouldn’t take seriously at all, #HighOnLife has a couple of irritating trophies, which I think was the point, so enjoy it anyway
#APlagueTaleRequiem is a great sequel storyline that takes the gamer on an emotional journey, however the gameplay did get a little repetitive and limited towards the end. And so many rats!
The Resident Evil series has been around for as long as I’ve had a console to play on. Oddly I’ve never really got into them. Completing #ResidentEvil7Biohazard means I no longer have to live this nightmare and can go back to happy games
It’s only taken me 6 years to finally complete #TheWitness. After running through the game the final challenge was just so frustrating. But stepping away, taking a breath, I was able to claim my glory
My first #PlatinumTrophy of the year comes from the much acclaimed ‘free choice’ game, #TheStanleyParableUltraDeluxe. Now where did I leave my bucket?
Managed to grab one final #PlatinumTrophy for the year, with plenty of time to spare.
#AstroBotRescueMission was a fun yet challenging #VR game that just makes you wanna play more
So it may have taken me over 7 years to get all the trophies for #SkyForceAnniversary, that’s because it’s never really a game I set out to play, it just always filled the void between other games. Thought it was finally time to put it to bed
You’ll likely find #HotWheelsUnlwashed2Turbocharged as mindless to play as I did. But sometimes you just don’t want to have to think for a little while
While my electricity is still on, I’ve managed to grab my 100th #PlatinumTrophy, this time from the heart wrenching story of #Endling. For all the fox lovers out there, play this game at your own risk
Today’s #PlatinumTrophy comes from #Wayfinder. After a rather shaky start, and having to reinvent itself from an MMO to a solo/co-op, it ended up being a decent game to play with friends, even if part of the time we spent bitching about bugs and servers
Late last night I finished #DeadSpace, a damn fine remake of a great game. One of the best ‘new game+’ rewards being the foam finger hand gun with Isaac Clarke saying “bang, bang, bang” as you shoot it
My second #PlatinumTrophy of the day, I only had one more trophy to get for this one, but I hadn’t played it for a while.
Unsurprising I’m happy to wasted hours on a game like #PowerWashSimulator, often so I don’t have to do any actual cleaning chores
Having never played a FNAF game before, I probably missed plenty of clever references, but I thoughily enjoyed #FiveNightsAtFreddysSecurityBreach with plenty of task to do and added extras along the way
Yes, I’m one of the many people that forgot that #AstrosPlayroom comes with your #PS5. A fun little game that tries to showcase some of the DualSense controller features and does a great job of highlighting the history of the PlayStation
Have no idea why I persisted with #FarmingSimulator22 but a trophy is a trophy. Clearly not the most pointless simulator game I’ve played Can safety say it hasn’t tempted me to a rural farming lifestyle
Some daft light relief was had completing #SpongeBobSquarePantsTheCosmicShake. Just a nice amount of levels, collectables, and the puzzles were fun if a little easy.
Finally got around to doing a speed run of #Stray for the final achievement and #PlatinumTrophy. You could easily say this is a puuuurrfect game with its mix of exploration, story, and puzzles
#HeavenlyBodies is a frustratingly great little game for those with an interest in space, zero gravity, and lessons in physics. If you’re really after the true experience (and slightly masochistic) you need to stay in Newtonian game mode
A truly excellent sequel, #LittleNightmares2 takes the essence of the original game and expands on it with its puzzles, interactions, and dreamlike ordeal of a storyline
#HelloNeighor2 is a fun little puzzle game where you investigate the neighbourhood to rescue a child. Half the puzzle is trying to find out what you need to solve in the first place